The key to being productive when you’re super busy is not to do more

The key to being productive when you’re super busy is not to do more

I know the feeling of being caught up in the chaos, where your to-do list seems never-ending and your business feels like a whirlwind of activity. 

It’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose sight of what truly matters. 

But here’s a secret: the key to being productive when you’re super busy is not to do more.

In fact, doing more will only leave you feeling even more chaotic. 

Instead, it’s time to shift your focus to who you’re ‘being.’ 

Who you’re being refers to the qualities, mindset, and energy that you embody in your actions and interactions. 

It encompasses your attitude, beliefs, values, and how you show up in the world. 

It’s about the essence of your being and the way you carry yourself in your personal and professional life. 

By focusing on who you’re being, you can align your actions with your goals, cultivate a positive mindset, and bring your authentic self to every situation.


The Perfect Mix of Doing and Being:

Let’s see where you sit on the scheme of things. 

Which of these four areas do you relate to the most?

  1. Stuck: You feel paralysed and overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things to do. You’re unsure of where to start, and the busyness around you is suffocating.
  2. Ineffective: You’re applying various strategies like focusing on work-life balance, mindfulness, and setting boundaries, but you still find yourself not being effective in the business. Your to-do list keeps piling up, and you struggle to take action.
  3. Whirlwind: You’re constantly in motion, taking massive action, but you can’t shake off the feeling that you’re not making any progress. Your days are filled with rush and hustle, leaving no room for downtime or quiet reflection.
  4. Momentum: You have found your flow, striking a balance between action and being. You have downtime, you handle challenges with ease, and your daily tasks are purposeful, bringing you closer to your goals.


Unveiling the Clues to Unlocking Peak Performance: 

To transition from being stuck, ineffective, or trapped in a whirlwind to achieving momentum, you need to examine three critical areas:

  • Energy:

Taking care of yourself is essential. Are you getting enough sleep? Hydrating properly? Moving your body regularly? Prioritising active recovery? Remember, to be at your best, you need to nurture your physical well-being.

  • Emotions and Mindset:

Your emotions and mindset play a crucial role in your productivity. Injecting joy and fun into your work mix can enhance your performance and that of your team. Identify the patterns and beliefs that might be holding you back, and turn them around to propel you forward.

  • Prioritisation and Outcomes:

Tools like having a 90-day business strategy and weekly five-to-thrive can help you prioritise effectively. By focusing on meaningful outcomes and taking action with purpose, you can stay on course toward your goals.


Harnessing the Power of Being and Doing: 

When you bring together the elements of who you’re being and what you’re doing, magic happens. 

You unlock the potential for peak performance and empower your team to excel. 

Being mindful of who you are being and combining it with purposeful action creates a harmonious environment where success thrives.

Nicky is a Sales and Business Leadership Coach with over 2 decades experience in sales and leadership. She’s been running successful coaching businesses since 2015 and is obsessed with helping business owners and teams thrive. She helps her clients install smart business growth strategies and leverage leadership for peak performance.

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3 ways to make sure your business doesn’t suck the life out of you

3 ways to make sure your business doesn’t suck the life out of you

As women in business, we have big dreams and ambitions – whether it’s to scale the business, inspire our people or simply achieve better work-life balance. 

But, according to a 2021 Women’s Agenda Report, 39% of women are worried that burnout will hinder their progress, not just due to the post-pandemic environment but I would also suggest the long-standing hustle culture we’re accustomed to.  

Additionally, 47% of these women lack confidence in their abilities, which may prevent them from achieving their ambitions in the next two years.   

These concerns can be significant obstacles that hold women business owners back from reaching their full potential. 

It’s no wonder that so many of us feel like we’re stuck in the busy trap, constantly juggling our responsibilities and struggling to find time for ourselves.  

This self-doubt can lead us to take on too much, always feeling like we have something to prove and afraid to say no for fear of being judged. 

But the truth is, there is a way out of this cycle. By taking a balanced approach and getting clear on what we want our ideal business and ideal day to look like, we can start to make real changes and live up to our full potential. 

To do this, we need to focus on three key things:

  1. Focus on business growth on your own terms: Don’t fall into the trap of trying to keep up with others. Stay true to yourself and your values, and grow your business in a way that aligns with your goals and vision.
  2. Managing your money in the business and having a plan to build wealth outside of it: financial stability is key to achieving the life you want. Make sure you’re not just focused on the day-to-day operations of your business, but also planning for your long-term financial goals.
  3. Prioritise life every day, every week, and every month: As women, we often put ourselves last, especially when it comes to our busy lives as business owners. But self-care, joy, and personal fulfilment are essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. So, make sure you’re not only focusing on your responsibilities (in and out of the business) but also incorporating activities that bring you joy and happiness.

There’s a great saying by Brazilian lyricist and novelist Paulo Coelho, “If it costs you your peace, it’s too expensive.” 

Don’t let your business drain the life out of you. It’s time to take control, find the confidence to take the steps towards change, and prioritise what’s truly important. 

If you need help achieving these goals, do our (free) mini Business Health Check here. You can start to create a roadmap to success that aligns with your vision and empowers you to reach your full potential in just a few minutes.

Nicky is a Sales and Business Leadership Coach with over 2 decades experience in sales and leadership. She’s been running successful coaching businesses since 2015 and is obsessed with helping business owners and teams thrive. She helps her clients install smart business growth strategies and leverage leadership for peak performance.

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Know your internal drivers? You’ll be stunned by how it impacts your business results

Know your internal drivers? You’ll be stunned by how it impacts your business results

What makes you tick?

As in, are you clear about why you do the things you do in business? 

And, perhaps more importantly, why you avoid doing the things you know you ‘should’ do?

In January 2023, Interact, an employee communications software company, stated (based on a Gallup Report) that the approach, style and success of company managers have a greater effect than any other workplace function.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Your preferred style (i.e. your behaviour – what comes naturally to you and the way you interact with others) impacts the actions your team takes daily.

And those actions impact directly on your business results.

Can you predict what impact your behavioural style is having?

One of the best tools I know of and am a huge advocate of for business leaders is Extended DISC.

This is a behavioural assessment tool that identifies your strengths and development areas. 

It’s used by 70% of Fortune 500 companies and millions of individuals worldwide.

In a nutshell, there are four primary DISC behavioural styles:

D – Dominance

They prefer to move fast, take risks and get things done now

I – Influence

They are people-oriented, spontaneous, energetic and enthusiastic

S – Steadiness

They are calm, patient, modest and loyal

C – Compliance

They are exact, logical and analytical and are excellent problem solvers

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg – there is so much more to it, but here are some ways it could be playing out in your business:

  • D – you are a big-picture thinker who is comfortable with challenge and changes at a fast pace. What do you need to do to bring along those team members who are slower to adapt to change?
  • I – you love variety and fun and focus on people, but avoid conflict. Who are you avoiding difficult conversations with and what impact is that having on the business culture?
  • S – you value comfort and security and want to show others you’re reliable. How is this holding you back from taking risks? Or from taking on the work of others rather than pushing it back onto them?
  • C – you make decisions based on facts and figures and tend to be the most reserved of the four styles. Where could this create a barrier when it comes to communicating with all members of your team?

Of course, we aren’t just one style but rather a mix of at least a couple. 

And our DISC style is not our full identity, but rather a predictor of our behaviour.

But given the impact your style has on your business results, wouldn’t you agree that it’s something worth knowing more about?

If your interest is piqued, get in touch and let’s talk about how completing your personal Extended DISC profile could help you be a better leader in your business.

Meet Nicky & Ness

Double your chance of success with two experienced Business and Leadership Mentors.

Nicky and Ness are obsessed with helping install smart business growth strategies - without the hard -core hustle and leveraging people leadership for peak performance. 

They are two savvy business women who have come together with a shared vision, bucket loads of passion and a burning desire to change hustle culture.

Underpinning everything they do is making sure you’re thriving now and able to thrive into the future as the world continues to change around you.

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Beyond Babushka Dolls: How Shared Goals Can Propel Your Business to Success

Beyond Babushka Dolls: How Shared Goals Can Propel Your Business to Success

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you’re the only one who can come up with the best business plan and make things happen.

But the truth is, leveraging smart growth in your business means involving everyone in the team.

Research shows that when the whole team takes accountability to achieve high-performance results, it leads to increased productivity, engagement, and profitability.

In fact, a study by the Institute for Corporate Productivity found that companies that promote collaborative working are five times as likely to be high-performing compared to those that don’t. 

So, how can you get your team accountable to the high-performance results and expectations in the business?

One effective way is to have team members, especially salespeople, create and present their plan to the team with quarterly updates. This not only holds them accountable but also keeps everyone informed and motivated.

Your team members’ individual planning and goals feed into the overarching strategy and goals of the business.

In other words, everyone in the team needs to be aligned to the bigger picture and also be striving for their own goals.

When each team member takes ownership of their responsibilities and is accountable for achieving their goals, it creates a ripple effect throughout the entire business.

Just like the Babushka dolls, each layer adds to the bigger picture, and when all the layers work together in harmony, it creates a strong and united team.

On the other hand, if you try to do everything yourself, you may end up feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. Not only will your business growth suffer, you’re missing out on a massive engagement opportunity with your team.

If you’re feeling stuck in the busy trap and feeling like your business is chaotic, it’s time to leverage smart growth in your business and involve everyone in the process.

Book a clarity call with me today, and let’s discuss how we can work together to achieve peak performance through collaborative working.


Nicky is a Sales and Business Leadership Coach with over 2 decades experience in sales and leadership. She’s been running successful coaching businesses since 2015 and is obsessed with helping business owners and teams thrive. She helps her clients install smart business growth strategies and leverage leadership for peak performance.

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No shared vision? Then who’s dictating your culture?

No shared vision? Then who’s dictating your culture?

As a business owner with a team, you’re likely juggling lots of balls in the air and your limited time is taken up with reacting to others’ demands.

Getting drawn into the day-to-day whirlpool can feel never-ending. 

And hard to break the cycle to work on the business – you know, the thing that niggles at you that you never get around to.

The problem is, if you ignore the important pieces – like setting and sharing the business vision and intentionally creating the culture of the business, you’re in for a bumpy ride.

Without a clear vision, your culture will be weak, and your business will suffer

Because if you don’t set the direction, you’ll end up with a culture of individuals (where the loudest leads the way) and lots of different people making decisions independently, not necessarily aligned with the direction you want to take.

As Lewis Carroll once said, “Any road will get you there if you don’t know where you’re going.”

When you have a clear purpose and the team knows it, then it impacts every decision made in the business.

If your vision determines the destination, then culture is what gets you there. 

According to the PWC 2021 Culture Survey, a global survey of 3,200 workers found that a strong culture drives better business outcomes. 

In fact, 68% of Australian senior leaders credit much of their success during the pandemic to culture. 

The bottom line? A strong culture is not just a nice-to-have, but a must-have for your business.

But how do you create a shared vision that everyone can get behind? 

Start by asking yourself and your team some fundamental questions: 

  • What do we stand for? 
  • What’s our purpose? 
  • What problem are we solving for our clients? 

Once you have a clear vision, make sure to communicate it clearly and regularly.

It’s also important to align your values with your vision. 

When your team members share the same values and beliefs, they are more likely to work towards a common goal, and this will help create a strong and positive culture.

Remember, culture is not just about having a ping pong table in the office or hosting team-building activities. 

It’s about creating a shared purpose and vision that everyone can get behind. 

When you have a strong culture, your team is more likely to be engaged, motivated, and aligned with your business’s goals, which will ultimately lead to better outcomes for you and your business.

Right now is a great time for you to reconnect with your vision and reflect on the culture of your business.

If you need help with this, reach out and let’s start a conversation.

Meet Nicky & Ness

Double your chance of success with two experienced Business and Leadership Mentors.

Nicky and Ness are obsessed with helping install smart business growth strategies - without the hard -core hustle and leveraging people leadership for peak performance. 

They are two savvy business women who have come together with a shared vision, bucket loads of passion and a burning desire to change hustle culture.

Underpinning everything they do is making sure you’re thriving now and able to thrive into the future as the world continues to change around you.

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We know stress can be healthy, here’s why it’s important in business.

We know stress can be healthy, here’s why it’s important in business.

Stress is often seen as the enemy of success, but the truth is that a certain level of stress is essential to reach your full potential. 

Just like fire, stress can either be a destructive force or a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals. 

The key is to find the right balance between healthy and unhealthy stress.

Unhealthy stress can lead to a host of physical and mental health issues, including high blood pressure, anxiety, depression and burnout.

On the other hand, healthy stress can help you stay focused, motivated, and energised, allowing you to push yourself to new levels of achievement… without the burnout!

The problem is we’ve become so focused on the negative effects of stress that we’ve forgotten how to use it in a positive way. 

We’re taught to avoid stress at all costs, instead of learning how to manage it in a healthy way. 

But without stress, we would do nothing. It’s the driving force behind our ambitions and the fire that fuels our passions.

What’s the difference between healthy and unhealthy stress? 

Healthy stress is short-term, manageable, and tied to a specific goal. 

It’s the type of stress that motivates us to deliver above and beyond for a client, invest the time in your team development or finish a project on time. 

On the other hand, unhealthy stress is long-term, overwhelming, and not tied to a specific goal. 

This type of stress can quickly spiral out of control, leading to physical and mental exhaustion.

In order to break the hustle culture and do business (and life) in a different way, it’s important to embrace the power of stress, while also taking steps to manage it in a healthy way. 

This can include setting achievable goals, taking breaks when needed, and practicing stress-management techniques like meditation or exercise. 

By doing so, you can harness the power of stress to help you reach your full potential, rather than letting it hold you back.

One thing you can do straight away to make sure you err on the healthy side of stress is to get outside more.

Journalist Florence Williams shares in her book The Nature Fix (a great read btw!) that North Americans spend over 93% of their waking hours indoors or in cars and the other 7% is spent walking between buildings and cars.

Now if that stat doesn’t shock, and perhaps scare you a little, I don’t know what will. 

How much time do you spend outside and connecting to nature? 

One of my fave go-to’s is ‘earthing’. 

Earthing as a modern-day concept has been around since the 1980s and has become somewhat more mainstream in recent years. It’s all about connecting to nature by walking barefoot. 

Author Lyanda Lynn Haupt say’s that ‘shoes put little blind folds on our soles’. 

Research suggests that earthing balances our bodies’ positive ionic charge, helping to prevent inflammation, reduces pain, calms anxiety and promotes better sleep*… uuuuumm this sounds to me like a great way of reducing unhealthy stress! 

So whether you decide to put your bare feet on the grass, do a mindful walk with no AirPods or partake in some deep breathing exercises, what I really want you to remember is that stress can be a powerful tool, or a destructive force, depending on how you use it.

As you continue to break the hustle culture and strive for a different way of doing business, embrace the power of stress and manage it in a healthy way.

This is how you can unleash your full potential and achieve your goals, while truly living life to your fullest. 

*Source: Rooted (Life at the Crossroads of Science, Nature and Spirit) by Lyanda Lynn Haupt (referencing Earthing – The Most Important Health Discovery Ever!)

Nicky is a Sales and Business Leadership Coach with over 2 decades experience in sales and leadership. She’s been running successful coaching businesses since 2015 and is obsessed with helping business owners and teams thrive. She helps her clients install smart business growth strategies and leverage leadership for peak performance.

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