The longer you’re in business, the more the stats are against you

The longer you’re in business, the more the stats are against you

We’ve all heard the statistics when it comes to success or failure in business for startups (in case you haven’t, 60% of businesses will fail within the first 3 years*). 

But did you know the longer you’re in business, the more stats are against you?

Research shows that 80% of businesses will fail within 20 years⍏. 

My jaw dropped when I first read this. There’s so much focus on getting through the early years of business but there seems to be less emphasis on the seasoned businesses that have been around the block a few times. 

You’ve got the war wounds to show from turbulent times. The trophies in the pool room from the glory days. And apparently, you’re not out of the woods even with your many years of experience.  

Want to know the main reasons businesses fail^?

  • Lack of staff training
  • Business owners getting stuck in day-to-day operations 
  • Not having a strategy in place
  • Poor cash flow management

The best thing about these reasons for failure? Every single one is within your control! 

With the right blueprint and knowing where to focus your and your team’s attention, future proofing your business becomes easier. 

But here’s the thing, if you don’t address these potential pitfalls you could wind up being another sad statistic. 

You could be on the path to resenting your business, hitting the burnout wall or having to walk away from your business entirely. 

What are you doing today to upskill and support your team, to get unstuck from the day-to-day weeds, and be proactively strategic and planning for profit in your business?

If you don’t know where to start, we’ve created a Smart Growth Blueprint which you can access via this quick (60 second) survey. 

Here’s to thriving in business, and life! 

*Sources: Australian Bureau of Statistics; ^The Australian Securities and Investments Commission; ⍏Clarify Capital

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Navigating the Feast and Famine Cycle in Business

Navigating the Feast and Famine Cycle in Business

As a successful businesswoman, you’ve conquered numerous challenges so far:

  • Started your business and been going long enough for it to be a viable and ongoing concern
  • Grown a team, because let’s face it, your clients need and want what you have to offer
  • Juggled the balance of work and home life (sometimes, not very successfully but the kids/pets are still alive and you have a healthy waiting list of prospective clients)

And yet, when you look at your bottom line, the profit margins (aka money in your personal bank account) just aren’t showing up as you expect and want them to be.

Yes, you can tweak some expenses, perhaps look at increasing your prices but when you feel like you’ve pulled all the levers and you’re still not feeling rewarded sufficiently for your hard work, then you’re missing a key point.

And this is it – there’s a silent, somewhat uncomfortable, barrier standing between you and your next level of success: your money mindset.

And now is the time to address it, head-on.

Your money mindset is like a silent puppeteer pulling the strings, and if you’re not careful, it will hold you back from creating the financial success you know you’re worthy of.

Your money mindset is this intricate blend of upbringing, culture, family vibes, and life experiences.

It shapes your financial DNA, influencing how you view money, wealth, and success.

Rewind to your childhood… what money messages were whispered in your ear? 

For me, it was phrases like “money doesn’t grow on trees” or “you have to work hard for your money” – innocent at first glance, but they built a foundation of money beliefs that I had never stopped to question.

Your money beliefs are like a fingerprint, unique to you based on your life adventures, experiences, role models and upbringing.

The bad news?

Your current results are influenced by your current beliefs.

The good news?

Your money beliefs aren’t carved in stone; it’s just a vibe you have until a breakthrough happens. 

Recognising and challenging your beliefs is the secret sauce to propelling your business forward.

So if you are feeling stuck or experiencing a plateau, here’s your call to action: 

  1. Grab a pen and paper. 
  2. Jot down the money belief that’s been pulling the strings right now (i.e. anything that comes after you say the words, I’d be better off financially if/but…)
  3. Ask yourself the following questions:
  • Is it gospel truth?
  • What if it’s not?
  • What could be a better belief right now?

Challenge your beliefs and notice the impact it has on your bottom line.

If you want some extra help, feel free to reach out. 

Helping women break through their money story and build wealth for themselves into the future is something I can talk about until the cows come home!

Meet Nicky & Ness

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Unlocking Your Business Potential with Extended DISC Profiling

Unlocking Your Business Potential with Extended DISC Profiling

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying ‘going into business is the biggest personal development journey you can go on’.

Cheesy? Yep!

Also true though? Absolutely! 

Looking back at my 8 years in business, I just can’t help but wholeheartedly agree with that statement. 

No matter who you are, when you start a business, the only certainty is that it will stretch you beyond what you think you’re capable of. 

And those who don’t lean into the growth fall into the 60% that shut down their business within the first 3 years (figures from the ABS). 

There’s no other way through it: overcoming fears and reshaping belief systems becomes essential for success.

 As a coach, I often find myself helping clients explore the depths of their behaviour and motivations. 

Self-awareness is key, and one powerful tool we use is the Extended DISC profiling tool. 

DISC helps us understand what drives our behaviour, why we procrastinate on certain things, and why we’re naturally drawn to some activities but avoid others.

You see, it’s not just about knowing how to run a business; it’s about understanding human behaviour and how it impacts everything in business – from what you focus on to how you communicate. 

We all have things we avoid like the plague… perhaps it’s handling conflicts, scheduling appointments, or making important phone calls. 

Then there are tasks that come naturally to us, making us effortlessly productive and feeling like we have the energy to keep going for hours.

Extended DISC profiling is the best tool I have come across that helps us understand this and more importantly, helps us understand what we need to do differently.

The DISC model distributes behaviours into four primary styles: 

🔴  (D) Dominant

🟡  (I) Influencer

🟢  (S) Stabiliser 

🔵  (C) Conscientious

Each style has its unique characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses.

The Dominant (D) style is future-focused, outcome-driven, and direct. 

They thrive on taking quick actions and are often seen as assertive and results-oriented, yet can come across as direct and blunt

The Influencer (I) style is charismatic, extroverted, and sees endless possibilities. 

They excel in communication and connecting with people but can be easily distracted by shiny new opportunities.

The Stabiliser (S) style is the nurturer, reliable, and great at building relationships. 

They excel in creating a sense of community and are always willing to help others integrate into a team, but tend to not share their opinion easily

The Conscientious (C) style is analytical, detail-oriented, and introverted. 

They love diving deep into data and are often seen as experts in their field and can appear as cold and withdrawn

What’s fascinating is that most people have a blend of these styles, so can’t be pigeonholed as only one particular style, which makes understanding your unique mix incredibly empowering.

For example, in my partnership with Nicky, she leans towards the Influencer (I) and Dominant (D) styles, while I leans towards the Conscientious (C) and Stabiliser (S) styles. 

This becomes especially evident in our business roles, and one of the reasons why our clients love working with us because we cover all four styles.

Nicky gravitates towards the creative aspects of our work, such as website design, sales pages, and content creation, all the fun stuff. 

On the other hand, I tend to excel in the behind-the-scenes work—finances, detailed processes, and content organisation.

This harmony in our behavioral styles allows us to handle diverse tasks effectively. 

Understanding our differences and knowing how to make the best of them has been a game-changer in our business. 

The beauty of DISC profiling lies in its ability to simplify complex behaviour patterns. 

As a predictor of human behaviour, it’s not about boxing people into categories; it’s about gaining insights into your specific behaviour and using that knowledge to your advantage.

If you’re curious to find out about your own DISC style or how we could help you and your teams to communicate more effectively by understanding each other, reach out for a chat.

Meet Nicky & Ness

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Unlocking the Power of Sales and Marketing: A Profitable Partnership

Unlocking the Power of Sales and Marketing: A Profitable Partnership

Let’s dive into one of my favourite topics – sales.

Well more specifically I want to explore the symbiotic relationship between sales and marketing.

When you align your sales and marketing efforts, magic happens.

That magic can look like achieving up to 38% higher conversion rate, a 36% increase in customer retention, and saving 30% on customer acquisition costs. That’s impressive, right?

Translated, that’s money staying in your back pocket!

And yet, businesses tend to focus on getting marketing plans in place, overlooking the importance of a dedicated sales strategy.

Sales and marketing strategies are distinct, and understanding this difference is crucial.

Why does a marketing and sales strategy matter?

During my early days in business, I experienced a sudden drop in revenue after consistently earning $40,000 per month.

It felt like I was speeding toward a cliff with no time to build a bridge across it.

That bridge, my friends, is your pipeline – the lifeline of your business.

Relying solely on word-of-mouth referrals is risky. 

It leads to reactive decisions, discounting, and chasing the wrong clients. It can lead to a scarcity mindset that you need to overcome, or better yet, avoid altogether.

What comes first, marketing or sales? 

The truth is, it’s not about one preceding the other; it’s about understanding they go hand in hand. We must break free from linear thinking and embrace their interdependence.

The more important question is, which do you have – a marketing or sales plan?

Pssst.. Your answer needs to be ‘both!’

In our growth pipeline model (which you can grab here), there are three key components to both effective sales and marketing: Plan, Execute, and Evaluate.

Today, we’ll focus on sales planning. 

Regardless if you have a team handling sales, or you’re still at the sales helm, it’s essential to create a simple sales plan (and by the way, it does NOT have to be complicated!).

1. Examine the current shape of your business. The current shape involves looking at your past performance. For example, analyse revenue by client segments, services, or industries. Identify which clients, services, or industries contribute the most to your revenue and where the gaps are.

2. Next, define the future shape of your business. Determine your growth goals and what you want to change or maintain. Perhaps you want to focus more on a specific client segment or industry. Maybe you want to increase revenue from existing clients.

TOP TIP: To simplify this process, think of three key aspects: which client segments or revenue streams you want to grow, maintain, and acquire (aka business growth).

Set specific goals for each category based on your analysis in points 1 and 2. This approach provides a clear path for your sales and marketing efforts to follow.

Be sure to include the above insights into your marketing plan and that your marketing and sales teams speak to each other and collaborate in their efforts.

Remember, sales and marketing are not isolated entities; they’re your business’s dynamic duo. 

Embrace their partnership, set clear goals, and the result? Sit back and watch your business thrive.

Ps. Be sure to do the Pipeline Audit here.

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Unveiling the Secrets to a Thriving Business Culture

Unveiling the Secrets to a Thriving Business Culture

Have you ever considered the elusive “vibe” in your business? 

You know, that intangible energy that defines your workplace culture. 

What exactly is this ‘vibe’ thing? 

Well, it’s that feeling you sense in a room. It’s the energy that’s palpable even when no one is talking. It’s how your team feels, how they interact, and the unspoken ground rules that are present in the working day.

Imagine your business as a beautiful tree. There’s parts that you can see like the trunk, branches, and leaves. And then beneath the surface are the roots, hidden from view. 

These roots are like the culture of your business. They determine the health and strength of the entire tree… just like culture does for your business.

Now, here’s the kicker: sometimes, what you see on the surface isn’t reflective of what’s happening underneath. But eventually, the truth about the health of those roots will come out. 

Sure, you might see smiles and hear polite greetings, but there might be an underlying defensiveness or sarcasm in the air. 

That’s the vibe talking, and it’s critical for you as the business owner and leader, to pay attention to it!

Think about it like this: you can say all the right things about your business culture, but if your actions don’t align, it’s like planting a tree without nurturing or watering the roots. 

In the long run, it just won’t thrive.

What’s the key to having a kick-ass vibe in your business? 

First, keep your culture alive. Don’t just set and forget your values and vision. Periodically check the pulse of your team and working environment. 

When you ask your team about the vibe and how they feel at work, listen to their feedback (both verbal and non-verbal). And make sure you action the feedback you’re given.

In the words of Simon Sinek, 

“Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress; working hard for something we love is called passion”. 

So, my fellow business trailblazers, nurture that passion and create a thriving business culture that truly reflects your values in the day-to-day workings of your team. 

Your business journey might not always be easy, but when you have the right vibe in your business, it’ll be worth it. 

Here’s to an empowered and vibrant business culture! 🌟🚀

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Your Blueprint for Work-Life Harmony

Your Blueprint for Work-Life Harmony

Do you have a belief that you can’t have it all? 

Do you believe that business success can only happen at the expense of a fulfilled life outside of work?

Imagine instead a world where your business flourishes and allows you the precious gift of time freedom, where you get to decide purposefully how to spend your time.

I’m here to tell you there is a way to achieve it!

But first, you’ll need to understand the six essential human needs that drive us every day.

This concept was introduced by Tony Robbins (a bit of a guru in the personal development space) back in the 90s.

These needs underpin our daily actions and choices, shaping how we feel every day about business and life.

They are


The desire for stability and predictability in our lives.  


The desire for variety (as they say, it’s the spice of life!), fun and adventure.


The desire to be acknowledged and validated. 


The fundamental desire to form meaningful relationships and feel a sense of belonging.


The drive for progress and improvement, that you get through learning something new. 


The desire to make a positive impact, like giving back to your community.

How you translate these concepts into your everyday life will depend on where you focus your energy and attention.

And this is where the concept of primary vehicles comes in – the areas or activities in your life that satisfy multiple core needs. 

Think of them as the foundational pillars that uphold your sense of fulfilment and balance.

Your business, relationships, and hobbies are all primary vehicles. 

They’re the building blocks of your happiness and feed into your personal identity. 

The key to being able to find that elusive balance between work and life is not to rely solely on one vehicle.

So take a moment to reflect on your personal blueprint… 

  • Jot down your top three primary vehicles – those aspects of your life that consistently bring you satisfaction. 
  • Then, consider how these vehicles align with your core needs and ensure they’re nourishing your overall well-being.

If there’s a gap, it’s time to reconsider how you can meet your core needs in a resourceful way that’s sustainable, in order to feel like you have the freedom to do what you love with your time.

Meet Nicky & Ness

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