As a business owner with a team, you’re likely juggling lots of balls in the air and your limited time is taken up with reacting to others’ demands.
Getting drawn into the day-to-day whirlpool can feel never-ending.
And hard to break the cycle to work on the business – you know, the thing that niggles at you that you never get around to.
The problem is, if you ignore the important pieces – like setting and sharing the business vision and intentionally creating the culture of the business, you’re in for a bumpy ride.
Without a clear vision, your culture will be weak, and your business will suffer
Because if you don’t set the direction, you’ll end up with a culture of individuals (where the loudest leads the way) and lots of different people making decisions independently, not necessarily aligned with the direction you want to take.
As Lewis Carroll once said, “Any road will get you there if you don’t know where you’re going.”
When you have a clear purpose and the team knows it, then it impacts every decision made in the business.
If your vision determines the destination, then culture is what gets you there.
According to the PWC 2021 Culture Survey, a global survey of 3,200 workers found that a strong culture drives better business outcomes.
In fact, 68% of Australian senior leaders credit much of their success during the pandemic to culture.
The bottom line? A strong culture is not just a nice-to-have, but a must-have for your business.
But how do you create a shared vision that everyone can get behind?
Start by asking yourself and your team some fundamental questions:
- What do we stand for?
- What’s our purpose?
- What problem are we solving for our clients?
Once you have a clear vision, make sure to communicate it clearly and regularly.
It’s also important to align your values with your vision.
When your team members share the same values and beliefs, they are more likely to work towards a common goal, and this will help create a strong and positive culture.
Remember, culture is not just about having a ping pong table in the office or hosting team-building activities.
It’s about creating a shared purpose and vision that everyone can get behind.
When you have a strong culture, your team is more likely to be engaged, motivated, and aligned with your business’s goals, which will ultimately lead to better outcomes for you and your business.
Right now is a great time for you to reconnect with your vision and reflect on the culture of your business.
If you need help with this, reach out and let’s start a conversation.
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