If you were playing a game of work bingo, how quickly would it take for the phrase ‘change fatigue’ to come up?
I’d imagine pretty quickly.
It’s the feeling of being weighed down by all the changes happening in the business.
Think about it: the world’s moving at lightning speed, tech’s evolving faster than ever, and then there’s the whole COVID-19 chaos that we’d sooner forget.
Throw on top of that the agility needed to sustain and grow your business and it’s no wonder you, and your team, are feeling drained.
Why the dip?
According to a Harvard Business Review Gartner Survey, employee support for change dropped from 74% in 2016 to a measly 43% in 2022.
Well, it’s not just about people being lazy or stubborn.
It’s about them feeling overwhelmed by constant changes and unsure about what’s coming next.
As a leader, it’s on you to create an environment where your team embrace change, rather than become demotivated by it.
That means having real conversations with your team, listening to their concerns, and showing them that you get it.
Effective communication is your most powerful tool here.
It’s all about keeping your team in the loop, explaining why changes are happening, and reassuring them that you’re all in this together (and demonstrating that through your actions).
Consistency is key – whether it’s regular updates or sticking to established routines, it all helps to ease any anxiety that people are feeling.
But here’s the thing: not everyone reacts to change in the same way.
Some people are all about embracing the new, while others need a bit more time to warm up to it.
So, you’ve got to be flexible and meet people where they’re at.
The Conscious Competence Model is a helpful tool to apply during times of change.
- Unconscious Incompetence – you’re unaware of the skill and your lack of proficiency
- Conscious Incompetence – you’re aware of the skill but not yet proficient
- Conscious Competence – you’re able to use the skill but only with effort
- Unconscious Competence – performing the skill becomes automatic
Having had teenagers, the best example I can think of here is learning how to drive a car.
From before they got their L plates (unconscious incompetence) to the first scary drive out of VicRoads having just sat a computer test but never actually driven a car (conscious incompetence).
Then onto P plates (conscious competence) to driving for years and not even remembering driving down that main road you go down every night to home (unconscious competence).
Some of the changes in your business (for example, new processes or new technology) will feel like learning to drive all over again for some people.
Normalising the discomfort of change and giving people the support they need can make a world of difference.
Being empathetic, communicative, and taking care of yourself and your team, will help you navigate everyone through change, with less fatigue.
Talking about support, do you want to double your team’s sales and get more yes’s, even in a tough market? If so, then grab The Yes Code™️ at the special rate before it reverts to full price on 6th June. Click here to find out more.
Ness is a Business and Leadership Coach. Her approach is grounded in practicality and empathy because she believes in the power of careful, thoughtful decision-making that respects your needs. Having run successful coaching businesses since 2015, Ness is obsessed with helping business owners and leaders thrive. She helps her clients install smart business growth strategies and leverage leadership for peak performance.
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