Four Ways to Keep the Sales Hustle Healthy

Four Ways to Keep the Sales Hustle Healthy

In today’s fast-paced sales environment, healthy hustle isn’t just a buzzword… it’s a necessity. 

The pressure is intense, with 54% of sales professionals reporting that selling feels harder than it did last year.

A massive 67% of business development and salespeople are on the edge of burnout.

With budgets tighter, lead times longer, and trust harder to gain, it’s more important than ever to find sustainable ways to succeed in sales without burning out.

Here are four strategies to keep your sales hustle both productive and sustainable:

1. Align Sales and Marketing.

When sales and marketing work in sync, conversion rates can leap by 38%, and customer retention can rise by 36%. 

Ensure your sales team is receiving qualified leads that match your ideal customer profile. This alignment not only drives better results but also eases the workload on your salespeople by bringing in leads who are genuinely ready to engage.

2. Adopt an Active Sales Process.

Instead, shift to an active sales process that includes pre-qualifying leads, engaging early on LinkedIn or other channels, and warming up prospects before the first meeting. 

When every potential client (aka lead) feels known and valued, you’ll find the conversion process smoother and quicker.

3. Go Beyond Email.

Don’t rely on emails alone to nurture your leads. Try creative touches like LinkedIn voice notes, a short video via Loom, or even a handwritten note. 

These personal touches cut through the digital clutter and build genuine connections, helping keep you top of mind without overwhelming your prospects.

4. Embrace Sales Archetypes.

Every salesperson has unique strengths… some are charismatic “Influencers,” while others are detail-focused “Specialists.” 

Recognise these archetypes within your team to maximise everyone’s potential. Schedule calls, client meetings, and follow-ups during their most productive hours, and help each person use their strengths to drive results and satisfaction.

Learn more about the four sales archetypes here – 

If you’re aiming to keep your sales hustle healthy, start by strengthening your approach with these simple and easily actionable steps.

Ps. If you want more ways to keep your sales hustle healthy – grab a copy of our book here 👉

Or for a taster download for the first chapter for FREE 👉 here
Busy or Productive? There’s a Big Difference

Busy or Productive? There’s a Big Difference

How often do you hear yourself saying, “I’m so busy,” when someone asks how you’re doing? 

It’s become the universal badge of honour!

But let’s pause for a moment.

What if being “busy” isn’t the same as being productive?

Imagine this: your day is packed. You’ve crossed off ten things on your to-do list, answered emails, and attended meetings. But as you sit down at the end of the day, you realise the big, meaningful task you needed to tackle is still untouched.

Sound familiar? 

That’s the busy trap… a whirlwind of activity that doesn’t actually move you forward.

Here’s the truth: busyness often hides a lack of clarity or focus. 

The good news? 

You don’t have to stay stuck.

Here’s how to get unstuck.

1: Recognise the Trap

Did you know that 88% of people procrastinate daily, and 51% of their time is spent on low-value tasks? When you’re overwhelmed, it’s easy to fall into patterns that feel like progress—responding to emails, organising your desk—but don’t create meaningful results.

Action: Take a moment right now to evaluate your to-do list. Identify one task that feels productive but doesn’t truly move the needle. Then, replace it with one high-value task that aligns with your biggest goals.

2: Shift Your Perspective

The key isn’t about doing more; it’s about doing what matters. In Healthy Hustle, we talk about balancing action with intentionality. When you stop running on autopilot and start prioritising tasks that align with your goals, you’ll notice a meaningful shift in your productivity and clarity.

Action: Pick one task you’ve been putting off because it feels challenging or uncomfortable. Commit to tackling it first today. Often, the most valuable tasks are the ones we avoid, and taking action on them builds momentum and clarity for the rest of your day.

3: Create Space for Focus

To escape the busy trap, you need to give yourself permission to pause. Reflect on your priorities and take small, purposeful steps toward them. It’s not about doing everything, it’s about doing the right things.

Action: Take a moment to pause and ask yourself, “What would success look like for me at the end of today?” Write down one clear outcome you’d like to achieve, and set aside uninterrupted time to work on it.

Our book Healthy Hustle dives deep into how you can ditch the busyness and design a life where your time is aligned with your goals. 

It’s about working smarter, not harder, and finding the flow that lets you thrive in business and life.

If you’re tired of feeling busy but unfulfilled, now is the time to make a change. 

Grab your copy of Healthy Hustle here and discover the blueprint for a more productive, balanced life.

Let’s move from busy to thriving, starting today!

Ness is a Business and Leadership Coach and co-author of Healthy Hustle – The New Blueprint to Thrive in Business and Life. Her approach is grounded in practicality and empathy because she believes in the power of careful, thoughtful decision-making that respects your needs. Having run successful coaching businesses since 2015, Ness is obsessed with helping business owners and leaders thrive. She helps her clients install smart business growth strategies and leverage leadership for peak performance.

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Could Your Beliefs Be Limiting Your Business Growth?

Could Your Beliefs Be Limiting Your Business Growth?

You might not realise it, but the beliefs you hold (consciously or subconsciously) are playing a huge role in shaping your business outcomes.

Whether it’s your mindset around money, your views on success, or how you approach sales, these beliefs are influencing every decision you make.

Let’s explore three key areas where your beliefs might be holding you back, and how changing them can create real business transformation.

  1. The Invisible Money Beliefs

How you view money can dramatically affect your business. Many of us unknowingly carry limiting beliefs like “money is scarce” or “you have to work hard to make money.” These mindsets can lead to decisions based on fear, like underpricing your services or avoiding investments that could help your business grow.

Shifting this belief to “money is a tool to create value” can open the door to greater financial abundance.

  1. The Stories We Tell Ourselves About Hard Work

Do you believe that success only comes from working harder? Many business owners are stuck in the hustle mentality, convinced that long hours and constant effort are the only way to achieve their goals. This belief often leads to burnout and inefficiency.

The truth is, working smarter—not harder—produces better results. It’s about finding ways to leverage your time, streamline operations, and focus on high-value activities, so you can grow your business without sacrificing your well-being.

  1. Challenging Long-Held Beliefs from Childhood

The beliefs we adopt in childhood—whether about hard work, success, or leadership—often go unchallenged throughout adulthood. These beliefs shape how we approach our careers and businesses, but they may no longer serve us.

By actively questioning and replacing outdated beliefs with more empowering ones, you can create a mindset that fosters growth rather than limits it.

Changing your beliefs isn’t easy, but it’s essential if you want to grow your business in a meaningful way.

Start by reflecting on what’s driving your decisions—are those beliefs helping you move forward or keeping you stuck?

Ness is a Business and Leadership Coach and co-author of Healthy Hustle – The New Blueprint to Thrive in Business and Life. Her approach is grounded in practicality and empathy because she believes in the power of careful, thoughtful decision-making that respects your needs. Having run successful coaching businesses since 2015, Ness is obsessed with helping business owners and leaders thrive. She helps her clients install smart business growth strategies and leverage leadership for peak performance.

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Time Management is Dead: The Real Secret to Business Success is Energy

Time Management is Dead: The Real Secret to Business Success is Energy

Let’s be honest, time management is overrated. If you’ve spent years trying to fit your life into neatly scheduled 9-to-5 blocks, you know the struggle. 

For most of us, it’s exhausting, unproductive, and frankly, outdated. 

The real secret to success? Managing your energy.

Here’s the deal: we don’t all work the same way, and that’s okay. 

I used to push myself to stick to rigid schedules, thinking that’s what “success” demanded. But after too many repeated patterns of pushing too hard, I realised something game-changing: I wasn’t failing at time management, I was ignoring how my body and brain actually work

Some days, I can power through tasks like I’ve got the energy of ten people; other days, I’m practically running on empty by midday. Can you relate?

This isn’t just personal, it’s universal. Every single person on your team has their own natural rhythm, and as a leader, forcing everyone into a cookie-cutter workday is a fast track to exhausting them. 


People aren’t robots. One-size-fits-all productivity just doesn’t work.

And yet, so many business owners and managers still cling to the idea that productivity equals hours worked. It’s time to stop pretending that everyone should be “on” at the same time, at the same pace. The real question is: are your people working when they’re at their best?

Creating a flexible work environment that respects individual energy patterns isn’t a luxury. 

When we stop managing time and start managing energy, everything changes. 

You create a team that’s engaged, thriving, and, most importantly, sustainable. Business success isn’t about working more, it’s about working smarter.

So, why cling to outdated schedules when the future of success is rooted in how well you manage energy.

What’s your favourite way to manage your energy to keep the hustle healthy?


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The Dangerous Reality of Hustle Culture

The Dangerous Reality of Hustle Culture

We live in a world that glorifies the hardcore hustle – the idea that working harder, longer, and faster is the only path to success.

But behind the scenes, this version of hustle culture that so many of us subscribe to is a leading cause of burnout, strained relationships, and declining mental health. 

This doesn’t just affect leaders; it impacts entire teams.

Have you ever felt that taking a break is a sign of weakness? 

Or that your worth is measured solely by your productivity?

The truth is, this relentless grind is unsustainable. 

It leads to exhaustion, not excellence. Worse, it often results in focusing on tasks instead of meaningful outcomes.

It’s time for a mindset shift.

We’ve all heard “hustle hard,” but what if that mindset is actually holding you back?

Success shouldn’t come at the cost of well-being.

How to Escape the Daily Whirlwind and Focus on Growth

The whirlwind of daily tasks can trap us in a cycle of busy, making us think the solution is to ‘work harder’. But real growth requires a smarter approach.

Here’s how you can break free:

  • Delegate tasks: Focus on what only you can do, and empower others to take ownership of the rest.
  • Set clear priorities: Align your daily actions (set weekly top 5’s) with your larger goals (quarterly milestones), both in business and in life. This clarity will make decision-making easier.
  • Carve out time for what matters: Block out regular time for deep work, strategic planning, and essential but often neglected tasks, like coaching your team or reviewing finances.

It’s time to step out of the whirlwind and into a space where you can focus on what really makes a difference.

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Are you addicted to your business?

Are you addicted to your business?

You dream of having a smoothly running business, a high-performing team, and the freedom to step back without the constant need for you to be in the business. 

After all, it’s why you went into business in the first place.

But what about when you achieve this ideal scenario? 

Have you stopped to consider the often-overlooked downside?

When your business no longer hinges on your every move, you may find yourself grappling with a surprising challenge: the lack of significance and validation that comes from being the go-to problem solver.

Because you’ve built your business from the ground up, it’s really hard to let go. 

The need to swoop in and save the day, to validate your importance through solving daily issues, can become addictive. 

Even when your team is performing well, it’s tempting to fall into the thought pattern of “I would’ve done it this way,” despite the fact your team is achieving the same results. 

This urge can make it difficult for you to step back and fully trust your team.

But the idea of having nothing to do can be simply daunting. 

Your fantasy of endless beach days can quickly turn into boredom. 

Because you’re wired for growth, always seeking the next challenge. 

This drive is part of your DNA as a successful business owner, but it can also be a double-edged sword, leading to what some experts call “entrepreneurial addiction”.

Amy Morin, a psychotherapist and mental health author, describes addiction as compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences

This definition is particularly relevant for business owners who find themselves compulsively working longer hours, neglecting personal relationships, and sacrificing health and well-being for the sake of their business.

Amy identifies 6 warning signs of entrepreneurial addiction:

1. Obsessive thoughts (constantly thinking about your business – getting new clients, introducing new products, the next onboarding round…)

2. Withdrawal (once that big pitch or project is done withdrawal symptoms can occur, boredom, depression, anxiety, a feeling of ‘coming down’)

3. Self-Worth problems (never acknowledging how far you’ve come or celebrating your successes before searching for the next big thing will impact your self-worth, it’s never enough)

4. Increased Tolerance to your substance of choice, in this case unhealthy ways of working (the long hours, no lunch breaks or lack of sleep become the normal way to function)

5. Neglect (other areas of life come second and are neglected – your health, family, time for you, hobbies, sleep)

6. Negative Outcomes (continuing your way of working despite the negative effects on your health, relationships, and life)

Do you see any of these warning signs in you?

If yes, then you need to break the cycle.

You can start this by setting clear boundaries – allocate specific times for work and personal activities, and stick to them. 

Celebrate your achievements and acknowledge your progress to maintain a healthy sense of self-worth. 

Most importantly, remember why you started your business in the first place. 

Reconnect with your initial goals and ensure they’re being met without compromising your well-being.

Taking these steps can help you regain control and create a sustainable work-life balance. 

If you find yourself struggling, consider booking a clarity call with me to discuss strategies to get yourself out of this mess. 

It’s time to move from being indispensable to leading a thriving, self-sufficient business so that you can enjoy the freedom and fulfilment you deserve.

Ness is a Business and Leadership Coach. Her approach is grounded in practicality and empathy because she believes in the power of careful, thoughtful decision-making that respects your needs. Having run successful coaching businesses since 2015, Ness is obsessed with helping business owners and leaders thrive. She helps her clients install smart business growth strategies and leverage leadership for peak performance.

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