The longer you’re in business, the more the stats are against you

The longer you’re in business, the more the stats are against you

We’ve all heard the statistics when it comes to success or failure in business for startups (in case you haven’t, 60% of businesses will fail within the first 3 years*). 

But did you know the longer you’re in business, the more stats are against you?

Research shows that 80% of businesses will fail within 20 years⍏. 

My jaw dropped when I first read this. There’s so much focus on getting through the early years of business but there seems to be less emphasis on the seasoned businesses that have been around the block a few times. 

You’ve got the war wounds to show from turbulent times. The trophies in the pool room from the glory days. And apparently, you’re not out of the woods even with your many years of experience.  

Want to know the main reasons businesses fail^?

  • Lack of staff training
  • Business owners getting stuck in day-to-day operations 
  • Not having a strategy in place
  • Poor cash flow management

The best thing about these reasons for failure? Every single one is within your control! 

With the right blueprint and knowing where to focus your and your team’s attention, future proofing your business becomes easier. 

But here’s the thing, if you don’t address these potential pitfalls you could wind up being another sad statistic. 

You could be on the path to resenting your business, hitting the burnout wall or having to walk away from your business entirely. 

What are you doing today to upskill and support your team, to get unstuck from the day-to-day weeds, and be proactively strategic and planning for profit in your business?

If you don’t know where to start, we’ve created a Smart Growth Blueprint which you can access via this quick (60 second) survey. 

Here’s to thriving in business, and life! 

*Sources: Australian Bureau of Statistics; ^The Australian Securities and Investments Commission; ⍏Clarify Capital

Nicky is a Sales and Business Leadership Coach with over 2 decades experience in sales and leadership. She’s been running successful coaching businesses since 2015 and is obsessed with helping business owners and teams thrive. She helps her clients install smart business growth strategies and leverage leadership for peak performance.

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The Business Conundrum: Action vs. Non-Action

The Business Conundrum: Action vs. Non-Action

Greg Plitt’s quote, “When every action has a purpose, every action has a result,” really hits home for me, especially when it comes to hitting a goal, whether that be a work or personal goal.

Think about it: every choice you make, every task you complete, all have the power to either move you closer to success or steer you off course.

That’s why it’s absolutely essential to make sure your actions are in line with your goals and purpose.

If they aren’t then you’re just wasting your time.

Some days back in my corporate job where I was receiving hundreds of emails a week, it felt like I was playing a game of Tetris, especially towards the end of the week when they came in thick and fast.

Although I was taking action and responding to emails, I wasn’t focused on what mattered the most, I was focused on what I could action quickly.

Has that ever happened to you: feeling busy doing stuff but not really getting anywhere?

Maybe you’ve been putting off important tasks, like those nerve-wracking sales conversations, only to realise later that of course it’s affecting your bottom line.

Trust me, I’ve been there—lots of coffee chats but not enough follow-through on the sales front, resulting in zero income during the first 3 months of my first business.

Whether you’re taking action or choosing not to, each move you make shapes the path your business takes.

So, how do you navigate through this?

Clarity and purpose are key.

Reconnecting to why your business exists, and what it’s here to achieve is the starting point.
It’s not just about setting goals; it’s about tying those goals to a bigger picture, and giving your team a clear vision to rally behind.

As a leader, it’s your job to communicate this purpose to your team in a way that they can connect with it.

Because when everyone understands how their work contributes to the bigger picture, it adds meaning to what they do and helps to keep them engaged.

This clarity also makes decision-making easier for everyone involved and after all, isn’t that what you want from your team: the ability to make decisions for themselves instead of looking to you for all the answers?

Once you set your team up to succeed, it’s time to turn the mirror back on yourself.

Just because you can do everything doesn’t mean you should.

You need to set boundaries and identify your priorities.

Focus on doing things that align with your goals, and be mindful of what you’re sacrificing by saying yes to one thing over another, especially when it comes to outside of work time.

Here are some questions to help you decide on your priorities:

  • What’s most important right now?
  • What can wait?
  • Is this action moving me closer to my goal?
  • If I say yes to this, what am I giving up?

Treat these questions like a matter of life and death, and put your energy where it truly matters.

Consistently aligning your actions with your purpose and goals helps you steer clear of the unproductive busyness trap.

This role modelling helps to create a culture of purpose-driven action within your team, fostering autonomy and engagement.

Remember, every move you make shapes your business journey—so make sure to make each one count.

Meet Nicky & Ness

Double your chance of success with two experienced Business and Leadership Mentors.

Nicky and Ness are obsessed with helping install smart business growth strategies - without the hard -core hustle and leveraging people leadership for peak performance. 

They are two savvy business women who have come together with a shared vision, bucket loads of passion and a burning desire to change hustle culture.

Underpinning everything they do is making sure you’re thriving now and able to thrive into the future as the world continues to change around you.

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From “Ugh” to Unstoppable: Ignite Your Business with a Personal Vision

From “Ugh” to Unstoppable: Ignite Your Business with a Personal Vision

Are you hustling to make your mark in the business world? 

How does your personal vision contribute to these business results? 

Now, I know you could be thinking, “Hold up, I’ve got my business vision down, isn’t that enough?” 

Stay with me because we’re about to take a deep dive into why having a personal vision as well as a business vision is like adding rocket fuel to your business success.

Picture this – you’re steering your ship in the vast sea of entrepreneurship, and that ship is your business. It’s got a solid compass guiding it – the business vision. 

But here’s the twist, you need your own True North to direct you, navigate uncharted waters, inspire you in uninspiring moments of business and keep you afloat as you conquer the storms that come your way.

Your business is a vehicle to help you move towards your personal vision. But business isn’t just about numbers and goals. 

It’s also about the emotional connection, the “why” that fuels your soul. It’s about digging deep to stay connected to your why in those moments when you need a pep talk to push through those “ugh” days. 

Here’s another way to look at it… your business vision is in neon lights, it’s on all the billboards for as many people as possible to see. 

Your personal vision is the quiet force within you. It’s your secret weapon that tells you why you’re doing all this in the first place. 

As an example, my personal vision revolves around building a lifestyle for my loved ones and I to enjoy and give back to causes I care about. It’s about those epic family vacations, being able to say yes to things, and making a real impact where it matters.

Your personal vision isn’t about fancy words; it’s about what tugs at your heartstrings. It’s your chance to connect the dots between your business success and your personal fulfilment. 

So, here’s what I want you to do. 

Grab a cup of your favourite tipple, sit down and get curious about what truly lights up your soul. 

Ask yourself..

  • What’s my True North? 
  • Why do I do what you do?
  • Why do I really do what you do?
  • Why do I really really do what you do?
  • Think back to why I went into business in the first place; is this reason/feeling still present in my day-to-day life?
  • Does my why still inspire me on the tough days?

If you want a hand going deeper, you can grab the Create a Compelling Vision Playbook here and let us know how you go!

Nicky is a Sales and Business Leadership Coach with over 2 decades experience in sales and leadership. She’s been running successful coaching businesses since 2015 and is obsessed with helping business owners and teams thrive. She helps her clients install smart business growth strategies and leverage leadership for peak performance.

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The Importance of Stepping Back in Business

The Importance of Stepping Back in Business

Have you ever felt like you’re constantly caught up in the hustle and bustle of your business? 

It’s not uncommon to get stuck in the busy trap.

After all, you’re the leader in your business and not only your clients, but your team want a piece of you.

Sometimes there’s just not enough to go around, and still have time left over for you.

But here’s the thing: you need to break free from the hustle culture and prioritise your well-being. 

It’s not just about what you’re doing; it’s about who you’re being.

What do I mean by that?

Well, a couple of months back, I had a wake-up call that made me realise the significance of stepping back. 

Although not physically burnt out, I was mentally burnt out. 

It had been years since my last proper holiday, and I hadn’t given myself the time and space I needed to reset. 

I discovered that burnout isn’t just physical; it can manifest mentally and emotionally too.

It took stepping away and having a break to truly understand the toll it had taken on me.

If you’re anything like me, taking time off can feel guilt-inducing or impractical. 

You may believe that you should always be in the business to keep it growing or that you can’t afford to go on a holiday (financially and time wise). 

But it’s important to challenge those beliefs. 

Taking breaks and creating space for yourself is crucial to your well-being and the success of your business.

When you step back, you give yourself the opportunity to fall back in love with your business. 

It renews your excitement, sparks creativity, and helps you see the bigger picture. 

Stepping back also provides clarity. 

It allows you to evaluate your progress, reassess your goals, and make necessary adjustments. 

Plus, when you’re rested and rejuvenated, you bring your best self to the table and the flow on effect of that is an increase in productivity and overall performance.

To truly embrace the power of stepping back, it requires both a shift in mindset and practical planning. 

Start by examining your beliefs around taking time off. 

Are they holding you back or propelling you forward?

Challenge any negative or restrictive thoughts and replace them with empowering beliefs.

Next, take action by scheduling breaks and retreats in your calendar. 

Whether it’s a holiday, a weekend getaway, or a solo retreat, make it a non-negotiable. 

Consider finding a biz bestie or accountability partner to share this journey with, or even treat yourself to a retreat in a new and inspiring environment.

Remember, if you want further guidance and support in your journey to break free from the hustle and achieve clarity in your business, reach out and book a clarity call. 

Let’s thrive together!

Ness is a money coach, helping businesswomen like you gain clarity over your financial goals, building wealth and financial security for themselves.

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What does smart growth really mean?

What does smart growth really mean?

Let’s talk about something that’s near and dear to my heart: smart growth. Now, I know it might not sound like the sexiest topic, but trust me, it’s a game-changer. 

In this crazy modern world, we often find ourselves stuck in the busy trap, juggling a million things and feeling like we’re building a plane while flying it. 

Sound familiar?

Fear not! Today, I want to empower you to refocus, reclaim your time freedom, and stop juggling all those balls. 

It’s time to experience peak performance, both for yourself and your team, and leverage the power of smart growth in your business.

So, what exactly does smart growth mean?

Well, imagine a little triangle in front of you. At its foundation lies having a solid business strategy and plan. This is where it all begins. 

You can have the best plan in the world, but without action and a bigger vision and purpose driving it, it’s all for naught. 

Now, let’s get real for a moment. 

Chaos often creeps in when systems and structures fail to keep up with rapid business growth. 

As business owners, we become everything to everyone, losing sight of the big picture. But I promise, you can overcome this chaos.

First and foremost, you need to step back and reconnect with your vision and make sure this is a part of your business strategy. 

It’s not just about your business vision, you also need to get clear on your personal vision. 

Ask yourself… 

  • What impact do I want to make in the world? 
  • What legacy do I want to leave? 

Reconnecting to your passion is crucial to weathering the storms and staying motivated.

Once you have that vision locked in, it’s time to dive into the nitty-gritty of planning out your strategy. Break it down into manageable chunks—90-day periods work great. 

Set clear goals and define the actions that will bring you closer to those goals. Create a roadmap for success, and remember to regularly review and adjust your plan as needed.

TOP TIP: Don’t forget the power of the weekly “five to thrive.” This is where you identify the top five actions that will propel your business forward each week. It keeps you focused, accountable, and on track.

Smart growth is about more than just planning though. It’s also about connecting the dots between sales and profit. Remember that triangle in front of you? 

All three elements fit into the triangle – the plan as well as a focus on sales, and profit. All three must work together harmoniously for long term, sustainable success.

Even if it feels impossible, now is the time to embrace smart growth and bid farewell to chaos. 

Take a step back, reconnect with your vision, and create a strategic plan that will guide you toward your goals. Incorporate a separate focus on sales (including targets and how you’ll achieve it) and profit (including targets and how you’ll achieve it). Ps. if you want a hand with this, our ‘Create a 6 Month Business Plan in 60 minutes workshop might be just what you need.

Break it down into manageable chunks, and take action every step of the way.

Remember, your business is meant to thrive, not just survive. And with smart growth as your secret weapon, you’ll be unstoppable. 

It’s time to reclaim your time, your sanity, and your success. If you’re feeling inspired and ready to take action, let’s make it happen! 

Download our Smart Growth Checklist here and unlock the power of smart growth in your business. It’s time to transform chaos into clarity and take your success to new heights.

With an instinctive curiosity for human behaviour, over 20 years of experience in sales and leadership, Nicky and Ness are obsessed with helping women in business break the cycles that hold them back from creating profitable businesses they love, without sacrificing time or life. 

Each having run their own successful coaching businesses for 7 years, they came together to start Business Together working with female led, service-based businesses with teams.

Their clients have often experienced rapid growth not being able to keep up with the systems, structures, and team growth. As a result the business owner gets stuck in the busy trap, they’re juggling all the balls in business and find themselves in a place of business chaos. 

If this sounds like you, book a complimentary chat with Nicky and Ness to see if they can help you find time freedom again, get peak performance within the team and have a focus on smart growth in the business.

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Are you heading towards burnout? Here are 5 tips to avoid it

Are you heading towards burnout? Here are 5 tips to avoid it

The hustle and grind of running a business can be tough at the best of times. 

Let’s be real, especially when it’s your own business, it can be easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you need to be working all the time to keep things running smoothly. 

But the truth is, working too much can lead to fatigue, resentment, and ultimately burnout.

If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. 

The US Chamber of Commerce found in a 2023 survey that 48% of small business owners have experienced burnout in the past year.

The common causes of entrepreneur burnout include: 

  • long working hours, 
  • high levels of stress and pressure, 
  • insufficient work-life balance, 
  • lack of support, 
  • unrealistic expectations, and 
  • the constant need to adapt and evolve in their business environment

In 2019, the World Health Organization defined burnout as: a syndrome… resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. 

And it can show up through symptoms such as:

  • insomnia, 
  • irritability, 
  • fatigue, 
  • high blood pressure, 
  • emotionally drained
  • physically exhaustion
  • excessive stress, and 
  • sadness. 

So how do you avoid burnout? 

Here are five tips to help you avoid the debilitating effects of burnout.

1. Set boundaries

Set specific times when you will and will not be working. It’s also important to schedule time for yourself outside of work, whether it’s going for a walk, reading a book, or just relaxing. By setting boundaries, you’ll be able to disconnect from work and recharge, which will ultimately help you avoid burnout. 

To find out how to set boundaries, read this.

2. Focus on self-care

Self-care is about taking care of your physical, emotional and mental health. It can include exercise, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and taking time to relax and unwind. When you take care of yourself, you’ll be better equipped to handle the stress of running a business.

For inspiration on practising the art of doing nothing, listen to our podcast here.

3. Delegate responsibilities

It’s important to remember that you don’t have to do everything yourself. In fact, when you try to take this role on, you become the bottleneck in the business. By delegating tasks to others, you’ll be able to focus on the most important things and will also be able to give your team the chance to grow and develop.

Find out how to fix the problem of being the bottleneck in your business here.

4. Follow a system for planning

People who are burnt out spend a lot of time worrying about not having enough time to do something or forgetting something important. It’s crazy to expect that you can park everything in your brain to remember (because that’s a sure-fire way to wake up at 2am realising you left something off your mental list!). Instead, find a structure that’s simple and works for you to map our what matters the most. Then stick to it like glue!

Need help to set up a system for planning? Check out our resource on how to create your 6 month business plan in just 60 minutes here.

5. Seek support

Finally, it’s important to have a support system in place. Running a business can feel lonely, but it doesn’t have to be. By surrounding yourself with a supportive community of friends, family, and colleagues, you’ll be able to share your experiences, get advice, and find support when you need it.

If you find it hard to ask for help, then reading this might be helpful.

Remember while burnout is rife, it is also preventable. 

Implement these tips today, and if you want more hands-on support DM me and let’s start a conversation.

With an instinctive curiosity for human behaviour, over 20 years of experience in sales and leadership, Nicky and Ness are obsessed with helping women in business break the cycles that hold them back from creating profitable businesses they love, without sacrificing time or life. 

Each having run their own successful coaching businesses for 7 years, they came together to start Business Together working with female led, service-based businesses with teams.

Their clients have often experienced rapid growth not being able to keep up with the systems, structures, and team growth. As a result the business owner gets stuck in the busy trap, they’re juggling all the balls in business and find themselves in a place of business chaos. 

If this sounds like you, book a complimentary chat with Nicky and Ness to see if they can help you find time freedom again, get peak performance within the team and have a focus on smart growth in the business.

Supercharge Your Business!

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