The Importance of Stepping Back in Business

The Importance of Stepping Back in Business

Have you ever felt like you’re constantly caught up in the hustle and bustle of your business? 

It’s not uncommon to get stuck in the busy trap.

After all, you’re the leader in your business and not only your clients, but your team want a piece of you.

Sometimes there’s just not enough to go around, and still have time left over for you.

But here’s the thing: you need to break free from the hustle culture and prioritise your well-being. 

It’s not just about what you’re doing; it’s about who you’re being.

What do I mean by that?

Well, a couple of months back, I had a wake-up call that made me realise the significance of stepping back. 

Although not physically burnt out, I was mentally burnt out. 

It had been years since my last proper holiday, and I hadn’t given myself the time and space I needed to reset. 

I discovered that burnout isn’t just physical; it can manifest mentally and emotionally too.

It took stepping away and having a break to truly understand the toll it had taken on me.

If you’re anything like me, taking time off can feel guilt-inducing or impractical. 

You may believe that you should always be in the business to keep it growing or that you can’t afford to go on a holiday (financially and time wise). 

But it’s important to challenge those beliefs. 

Taking breaks and creating space for yourself is crucial to your well-being and the success of your business.

When you step back, you give yourself the opportunity to fall back in love with your business. 

It renews your excitement, sparks creativity, and helps you see the bigger picture. 

Stepping back also provides clarity. 

It allows you to evaluate your progress, reassess your goals, and make necessary adjustments. 

Plus, when you’re rested and rejuvenated, you bring your best self to the table and the flow on effect of that is an increase in productivity and overall performance.

To truly embrace the power of stepping back, it requires both a shift in mindset and practical planning. 

Start by examining your beliefs around taking time off. 

Are they holding you back or propelling you forward?

Challenge any negative or restrictive thoughts and replace them with empowering beliefs.

Next, take action by scheduling breaks and retreats in your calendar. 

Whether it’s a holiday, a weekend getaway, or a solo retreat, make it a non-negotiable. 

Consider finding a biz bestie or accountability partner to share this journey with, or even treat yourself to a retreat in a new and inspiring environment.

Remember, if you want further guidance and support in your journey to break free from the hustle and achieve clarity in your business, reach out and book a clarity call. 

Let’s thrive together!

Ness is a money coach, helping businesswomen like you gain clarity over your financial goals, building wealth and financial security for themselves.

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Learn 5 ways to practice the art of doing nothing

Learn 5 ways to practice the art of doing nothing

It’s time to learn the art of doing nothing! 

Let me share some eye-opening statistics with you. Research shows that productivity plummets when we’re burnt out or overwhelmed. And yet according to a survey by Tork® 40 percent (39%) of people say they only occasionally, rarely or never take breaks during the workday. 

In fact, nearly a quarter (22%) of people feel guilty or judged when they step away from work midday. 

This is despite the fact that 94% of team members acknowledge they’re happier when they’re able to take a break. So, let’s stop glorifying busyness and start embracing the power of rest and rejuvenation.

As professional athletes know all too well, rest and recovery are crucial for peak performance.

They understand that pushing themselves to the brink of exhaustion leads to burnout and diminished results. 

So why do we, as business owners, neglect this vital aspect of our lives? It’s time to change that. Here’s five ways to get you started…

  1. First and foremost, set clear non-negotiable boundaries. Ask yourself, “If I say yes to this, what am I saying no to?” 

It’s essential to prioritise your well-being and not spread yourself too thin. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

  1. Next, pay attention to your language. The words you use shape your reality. If you’re constantly telling yourself you’re “busy,” guess what? You’ll perpetuate that busy cycle. 

Banish the B-word from your vocabulary and focus on creating space for what truly matters. 

  1. Creating idle time is key. Plan ahead and incorporate micro-moments of joy and breathing room into your day. It could be as simple as a 60-second meditation, practising box breathing, or feeling the earth beneath your bare feet. 

These micro-moments give you a pause from the chaos and allow you to recharge.

  1. Don’t forget the power of nature. Spending time outdoors reconnects you with yourself and the world around you. Did you know that in Australia, being in nature is proven to have significant benefits for health and well-being? 

So, find nature wherever you are. Take a walk, visit a park, or even go camping. Embrace the healing energy of the natural world.

  1. And finally, it’s time to introduce the concept of “putting the jug down.” Picture this: you’re juggling multiple tasks, trying to do it all at once, and inevitably, something slips through your fingers. Sound familiar? If you want to know more about the concept of putting the jug down, check out this podcast episode.

It’s time to let go of multitasking and focus on one mindful thing at a time. Release the overwhelm and give yourself permission to be present.

These are just the highlights, my friend. For a deeper dive into these transformative practices, I invite you to listen to the podcast episode where Ness and I discuss them in more detail. Trust me; it’s a game-changer.

Listen on: Spotify | Apple

Now is the time to reclaim your time, your energy, and your sanity. Embrace the art of doing nothing and watch your business thrive. 

Book a clarity call here and let’s embark on this empowering journey together. 

You deserve time freedom, peak performance, and smart growth. It’s time to make it happen.

Remember, you are capable of so much more than you know. Keep believing in yourself and never underestimate the power of self-care.

To listen to the full podcast episode and learn more, click here

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Sick of using the B word? Here’s what you can do to start living instead

Sick of using the B word? Here’s what you can do to start living instead

Understanding the difference between being busy and living is paramount to your business su2ccess!

10 years ago I was climbing the corporate ladder, studying at uni and the seeds of my business were being sewn. To say that I was busy was an understatement. 

I was constantly in a state of go go go, with a lot of people relying on me and a very full life. 

One day I had a massive panic attack in my office, it took every ounce of strength to walk to my boss’ office and when I got there, I crashed.  

I was completely burnt out. 

As a naturally optimistic person in the prime of her corporate career, the feeling of having zero motivation or capacity to do or think was scary! Turns out, it was also quite humbling. 

It forced me to stop. 

I had to rebuild a new way of working, thinking and being.

When I think about being ‘busy’, I think about the feeling of being burnt out. And I never want to feel that way again.

This is why I’m so passionate about helping other women in business never experience this feeling for themselves. 

So I ask you, how would it feel to run your business without the threat of burnout?

How would it feel to release the shackles of ‘busy’ to be able to thrive in your business and your life?

Time passes by so quickly and it’s too easy to miss important dates, and live in a cycle of perpetual guilt for whoever it is you’re letting down today. Not to mention the increase in concerns around health and stress. 

I know you want more time, more joy and to feel happy and content. And I know you think to get this, you need to do more. 

The opposite is true. 

There’s a difference between going through life being ‘busy’ or going through life ‘living’. 

Busy is when things feel chaotic, out of control and you go through the days every single minute accounted for. By this definition, it’s an unresourceful (or dysfunctional) state to be in. Especially for long periods of time.

Living is when things feel calm, and somewhat under control, there’s more joy and presence in what you’re doing… it’s the resourceful (or functional) state of being. 

Through awareness and understanding of how these two extremes play out in your business and in your life, you can identify when you’ve been pulled into the busy trap and how to get yourself back to living. 

Where would you place yourself on this graph?


X marks the spot as the gold standard of where you want to be. X means that you’re present, grounded, tapping into the past to learn and grow, and equally looking forward to seeing what lays ahead without drowning in worry about the future. 

I’d love to know, do you resonate with being busy or in a state of living most of the time?

What’s 1 thing you can do to come back to living when you’re stuck in the busy trap?

If you relate to being stuck in the busy, why not book a free 20 minute clarity call (book here) with Ness or I to identify the #1 thing that holds you back from living more.

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The dumbest thing I’ve done in business

The dumbest thing I’ve done in business

Have you ever regretted a decision you’ve made in your business?

I certainly have!

In 2019 I was told I ‘should’ hire a VA through a big company (pretty sure the person suggesting got an affiliate kickback?) for 20 hours a week.

The cost was $300 per week. Not bad, you’d think?

The first VA they gave me was brilliant. He got heaps of work done and was proactive.

But unfortunately, he got really sick and had to leave after a month.

The next VA?

Let’s just say I should have listened to my gut instincts.

I wasn’t that impressed with her at the interview, but the recruiter promised me she was one of their best!

Umm, not my experience.

She needed to ask me questions and get guidance every single day, and I was too busy (and frustrated) to get back to her.

It felt like it was just soooo much easier to do the work myself because delegating to her was not a fun experience.

I started avoiding her and effectively, did what any other busy business owner with lots of money coming into the business would do… I buried my head in the sand.

I paid her $3,600 (12 weeks of work) to pretty much just create a report, that I later found out my email provider had the software to run in about 2 minutes 🤦‍♀️


But the juggle was real and I didn’t have great processes in place at the time to help her work at peak performance.

The thing is until I stepped into my leadership as a business owner, the situation wasn’t going to change.

Here’s some food for thought – whether you’ve got one VA helping you occasionally or a full team of staff on your payroll, once you have people working for you, you are a leader.

To ensure you are leading effectively there are three areas to focus on.

We like to call it tapping into your ESP.

As a leader, you’re responsible for:

  • E – Setting the culture of your business for your team to live with you
  • S – Making sure there are structures and systems in place to ensure the operating rhythms of your business flow
  • P – Ensuring you and your team have the skills needed to perform your tasks

Once you’re across all of this, you’ll stop making silly mistakes like I did and stop leaking money from your business.

Meet Nicky & Ness

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Why the elusive work-life balance is BS

Why the elusive work-life balance is BS

Stuck in the busy trap?

Working long hours against your will?

As the founder of a business, the responsibility can weigh heavily on your shoulders.

Sure, you have a team, but they aren’t always the solution to all your problems, like you thought (hoped and prayed maybe?) they’d be.

When someone mentions the phrase work/life balance you roll your eyes and say “I wish!”

But we have more control over our time than we take responsibility for.

And I learned that the hard way…

You see, starting my own business was something I did in my early 40’s after a lengthy career in a safe Government job for 15 years. 

My old career taught me that to progress and succeed, you had to work hard (aka long hours and weekends). 

It came naturally then that I would work every day of the week at some point or another. 

Trying to hit that first $100K was like getting a rocket ship off the ground and I believed that to earn it I had to ‘deserve’ it. 

And then I had to work hard to maintain and grow it, being across everything myself to make sure my clients got the level of service that I believed only I could give them. 

Until one day working (yet again) at my desk during the school holidays, my daughter (who was in primary school at the time) came up beside me to ask me something. 

I didn’t turn to her, just kept typing and said ‘what’s up?’. 

She stopped me dead in my tracks when she said ‘Mum if Cameron (my son) or I died, would you take time off work for our funeral?’ 

Wow. That hurt! 

But how was I to know that working long hours and being busy wasn’t the answer to success? 

Nobody teaches this stuff, you have to learn it the hard way as a female founder. 

How could you know not to do it differently? 

A study by Gartner in the US found that work-life balance is valued more than health benefits, which makes sense given that work-life integration keeps us healthy. 

And yet, according to the same study, we take 26% of our work home with us increasing our chance of burnout due to overwork, and 40% use their computers after 10 p.m., reducing what’s considered optimal sleep quality. 

But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

A smarter way of working isn’t just about doing another time management course. 

It’s about moving your thinking and behaviour to ensure you find the time freedom you are searching for.

Nicky and I have worked with enough clients to know that you can get out of the busy trap and find that elusive time freedom you’re looking for.

This is the answer:

And this is how you get there: 

  1. Move away from the beliefs that keep you feeling like you are continually ‘busy’ and start to prioritise living in a way you want to live.
  2. Set strong boundaries. You’ll know you are doing this well if you find yourself saying ‘yes’ less than you say ‘no’ to requests that are against what you want to do.
  3. Understand what drives your behaviour and make sure you are finding resourceful ways of meeting your needs.

Ness is a Coach and Mentor for women in business. She is obsessed with helping women break the cycles in business that hold them back from creating profitable businesses they love, without having to sacrifice time or life.

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The 3 best sales beliefs to have in your business are…

The 3 best sales beliefs to have in your business are…

The biggest thing holding you back in your business when it comes to sales and business growth could be you! 

Take a moment to think about what area’s in the business, and sales you’re holding yourself back from? 

Do the words ‘closing the sale’ make you want to run a mile, or stay and dance*?

*This is a reference to a recent article I wrote comparing sales to dancing… check it out here 

Let’s dig in. If you know what your limiting beliefs are about sales, you can work on them, unblock them and replace them with different and better beliefs that serve you, and your clients, well! 

Here are 3 of my top picks when it comes to sales beliefs you can work into your vocabulary right away. Try them on and see how they feel. 

Epic Sales Belief To Have # 1: Sales is Helping (Sales is Serving also works). 

Imagine if the product or service you’re selling was literally saving lives. 

What would stop you from having as many conversations with as many people as possible to tell them about it? What would possibly stop you from reaching out and following up more than once? I’m sure you’d feel pretty comfortable asking the question ‘shall we get started’?

When you truly believe in what you’re selling, it becomes a genuine service to offer it to people, and a true disservice not to. 

Now, you might not be saving lives but I’d put a bet on it that there’s a pretty great benefit to what you’re offering out there!? Hone in and focus on that to help embed this belief. 


Epic Sales Belief To Have # 2: The right people want to hear from me!

I’m going to let you in on a little secret… despite what we all say, we (as humans and consumers) want to be sold to. 

Yep, you read that right! 

We want to be sold to. We have needs that need to be fulfilled and problems to be solved. 

The caveat is, we just want to be sold to WELL! 

In other words, we don’t want to be talked at, belittled, tricked or pushed into something. 

So if you’re getting a little self-conscious around talking about your offer and putting your message out to market, remember the right people want to hear it.

BTW – By right people, I mean your ideal clients and customers, the ones that you know you can help. Rememer, they’re the ones who want to be sold to by you (in an authentic helpful way). And for the rest, the people who don’t need your service or product, it will just be white noise for them anyway so no loss there. 


Epic Sales Belief To Have # 3: There’s no such thing as a wasted opportunity!

Every conversation you have with someone, even if it doesn’t turn out to be a sale or a client today, could become one in the future. 

The number of times I’ve had clients reach out to me 6 months down the track, or even longer because they were talking to someone and heard of what I was offering. Or we’d had a conversation in the past and it’s now the right time to connect. 

Honestly, as consumers and buyers, our needs are constantly evolving and changing. Just because someone said no or not now once, doesn’t mean they won’t have a need to work with you or buy from you in the future. Or they’ll know someone else who does. 

So every opportunity is an opportunity to plant a seed and make an impression (and ps. the best impression you can make is by being authentically you!).

This is why it’s important to keep in mind that people don’t always remember what you’ve said, but they will remember how you made them feel. 

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