3 ways to make sure your business doesn’t suck the life out of you

3 ways to make sure your business doesn’t suck the life out of you

As women in business, we have big dreams and ambitions – whether it’s to scale the business, inspire our people or simply achieve better work-life balance. 

But, according to a 2021 Women’s Agenda Report, 39% of women are worried that burnout will hinder their progress, not just due to the post-pandemic environment but I would also suggest the long-standing hustle culture we’re accustomed to.  

Additionally, 47% of these women lack confidence in their abilities, which may prevent them from achieving their ambitions in the next two years.   

These concerns can be significant obstacles that hold women business owners back from reaching their full potential. 

It’s no wonder that so many of us feel like we’re stuck in the busy trap, constantly juggling our responsibilities and struggling to find time for ourselves.  

This self-doubt can lead us to take on too much, always feeling like we have something to prove and afraid to say no for fear of being judged. 

But the truth is, there is a way out of this cycle. By taking a balanced approach and getting clear on what we want our ideal business and ideal day to look like, we can start to make real changes and live up to our full potential. 

To do this, we need to focus on three key things:

  1. Focus on business growth on your own terms: Don’t fall into the trap of trying to keep up with others. Stay true to yourself and your values, and grow your business in a way that aligns with your goals and vision.
  2. Managing your money in the business and having a plan to build wealth outside of it: financial stability is key to achieving the life you want. Make sure you’re not just focused on the day-to-day operations of your business, but also planning for your long-term financial goals.
  3. Prioritise life every day, every week, and every month: As women, we often put ourselves last, especially when it comes to our busy lives as business owners. But self-care, joy, and personal fulfilment are essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. So, make sure you’re not only focusing on your responsibilities (in and out of the business) but also incorporating activities that bring you joy and happiness.

There’s a great saying by Brazilian lyricist and novelist Paulo Coelho, “If it costs you your peace, it’s too expensive.” 

Don’t let your business drain the life out of you. It’s time to take control, find the confidence to take the steps towards change, and prioritise what’s truly important. 

If you need help achieving these goals, do our (free) mini Business Health Check here. You can start to create a roadmap to success that aligns with your vision and empowers you to reach your full potential in just a few minutes.

Nicky is a Sales and Business Leadership Coach with over 2 decades experience in sales and leadership. She’s been running successful coaching businesses since 2015 and is obsessed with helping business owners and teams thrive. She helps her clients install smart business growth strategies and leverage leadership for peak performance.

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Beyond Babushka Dolls: How Shared Goals Can Propel Your Business to Success

Beyond Babushka Dolls: How Shared Goals Can Propel Your Business to Success

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you’re the only one who can come up with the best business plan and make things happen.

But the truth is, leveraging smart growth in your business means involving everyone in the team.

Research shows that when the whole team takes accountability to achieve high-performance results, it leads to increased productivity, engagement, and profitability.

In fact, a study by the Institute for Corporate Productivity found that companies that promote collaborative working are five times as likely to be high-performing compared to those that don’t. 

So, how can you get your team accountable to the high-performance results and expectations in the business?

One effective way is to have team members, especially salespeople, create and present their plan to the team with quarterly updates. This not only holds them accountable but also keeps everyone informed and motivated.

Your team members’ individual planning and goals feed into the overarching strategy and goals of the business.

In other words, everyone in the team needs to be aligned to the bigger picture and also be striving for their own goals.

When each team member takes ownership of their responsibilities and is accountable for achieving their goals, it creates a ripple effect throughout the entire business.

Just like the Babushka dolls, each layer adds to the bigger picture, and when all the layers work together in harmony, it creates a strong and united team.

On the other hand, if you try to do everything yourself, you may end up feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. Not only will your business growth suffer, you’re missing out on a massive engagement opportunity with your team.

If you’re feeling stuck in the busy trap and feeling like your business is chaotic, it’s time to leverage smart growth in your business and involve everyone in the process.

Book a clarity call with me today, and let’s discuss how we can work together to achieve peak performance through collaborative working.


Nicky is a Sales and Business Leadership Coach with over 2 decades experience in sales and leadership. She’s been running successful coaching businesses since 2015 and is obsessed with helping business owners and teams thrive. She helps her clients install smart business growth strategies and leverage leadership for peak performance.

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How to Stop Worrying About Missed Opportunities in Your Business

How to Stop Worrying About Missed Opportunities in Your Business

Picture this: you’re a business owner with a never-ending to-do list. 

You’re constantly juggling client enquiries, trying to ensure that your customer experience is top-notch, and worrying if you’re charging the right amount for your services. 

It’s overwhelming, to say the least. 

Think about it: every time you receive a client enquiry, you’re probably starting from scratch. You have to think about how to respond, what information to provide, and how to move the process forward. 

It’s time-consuming and inefficient. 

But what if you didn’t have to ‘think’ at each step?

What if you could be 100% confident that every single team member delivers a consistent, high quality experience to prospects and potential clients, no matter how busy they are?


Look at the convert and nurture piece of your sales process (to check out more about what a good overall sales process looks like check out this article.).

80% of sales require 5 follow up calls after the meeting yet 44% of people give up after 1 follow up call. How many follow up calls do you and your team make? 

If it’s less than 4, you’re leaving money on the table!

91% of customers say they’d give a referral, yet only 11% of sales people ask.

If you don’t ask for referrals, you’re leaving money on the table!

If you have a solid sales process in place, including a focus on convert and nurture – you’re not relying on your (or your teams) memory to lock in these sales. 

Take some time to evaluate the convert and nurture aspects to your sales processes and identify areas where you can create replicable systems. 

Doing this will free up space for you to concentrate on higher quality problems and decisions without the niggling feeling that you’re leaving money on the table. 

Trust me, you won’t regret it. 

As always, if you need a hand with this, send us a message and let’s chat! 

Nicky is a Sales and Business Leadership Coach with over 2 decades experience in sales and leadership. She’s been running successful coaching businesses since 2015 and is obsessed with helping business owners and teams thrive. She helps her clients install smart business growth strategies and leverage leadership for peak performance.

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We know stress can be healthy, here’s why it’s important in business.

We know stress can be healthy, here’s why it’s important in business.

Stress is often seen as the enemy of success, but the truth is that a certain level of stress is essential to reach your full potential. 

Just like fire, stress can either be a destructive force or a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals. 

The key is to find the right balance between healthy and unhealthy stress.

Unhealthy stress can lead to a host of physical and mental health issues, including high blood pressure, anxiety, depression and burnout.

On the other hand, healthy stress can help you stay focused, motivated, and energised, allowing you to push yourself to new levels of achievement… without the burnout!

The problem is we’ve become so focused on the negative effects of stress that we’ve forgotten how to use it in a positive way. 

We’re taught to avoid stress at all costs, instead of learning how to manage it in a healthy way. 

But without stress, we would do nothing. It’s the driving force behind our ambitions and the fire that fuels our passions.

What’s the difference between healthy and unhealthy stress? 

Healthy stress is short-term, manageable, and tied to a specific goal. 

It’s the type of stress that motivates us to deliver above and beyond for a client, invest the time in your team development or finish a project on time. 

On the other hand, unhealthy stress is long-term, overwhelming, and not tied to a specific goal. 

This type of stress can quickly spiral out of control, leading to physical and mental exhaustion.

In order to break the hustle culture and do business (and life) in a different way, it’s important to embrace the power of stress, while also taking steps to manage it in a healthy way. 

This can include setting achievable goals, taking breaks when needed, and practicing stress-management techniques like meditation or exercise. 

By doing so, you can harness the power of stress to help you reach your full potential, rather than letting it hold you back.

One thing you can do straight away to make sure you err on the healthy side of stress is to get outside more.

Journalist Florence Williams shares in her book The Nature Fix (a great read btw!) that North Americans spend over 93% of their waking hours indoors or in cars and the other 7% is spent walking between buildings and cars.

Now if that stat doesn’t shock, and perhaps scare you a little, I don’t know what will. 

How much time do you spend outside and connecting to nature? 

One of my fave go-to’s is ‘earthing’. 

Earthing as a modern-day concept has been around since the 1980s and has become somewhat more mainstream in recent years. It’s all about connecting to nature by walking barefoot. 

Author Lyanda Lynn Haupt say’s that ‘shoes put little blind folds on our soles’. 

Research suggests that earthing balances our bodies’ positive ionic charge, helping to prevent inflammation, reduces pain, calms anxiety and promotes better sleep*… uuuuumm this sounds to me like a great way of reducing unhealthy stress! 

So whether you decide to put your bare feet on the grass, do a mindful walk with no AirPods or partake in some deep breathing exercises, what I really want you to remember is that stress can be a powerful tool, or a destructive force, depending on how you use it.

As you continue to break the hustle culture and strive for a different way of doing business, embrace the power of stress and manage it in a healthy way.

This is how you can unleash your full potential and achieve your goals, while truly living life to your fullest. 

*Source: Rooted (Life at the Crossroads of Science, Nature and Spirit) by Lyanda Lynn Haupt (referencing Earthing – The Most Important Health Discovery Ever!)

Nicky is a Sales and Business Leadership Coach with over 2 decades experience in sales and leadership. She’s been running successful coaching businesses since 2015 and is obsessed with helping business owners and teams thrive. She helps her clients install smart business growth strategies and leverage leadership for peak performance.

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Business (and life) success should not be a trade-off for burnout!

Business (and life) success should not be a trade-off for burnout!

We’ve been taught as a society to hustle, work hard, don’t stop, keep going… do anything to achieve results and be successful. 

While it’s great to be tenacious and go after what you want in life (and business), at what cost? 

In 2007, Arianna Huffington (co-founder of Huffington post, a brilliant author and businesswoman who’s made it to the Forbes most powerful women list) found herself lying on the floor of her home office in a pool of blood. 

She collapsed from exhaustion hitting her head on the desk, cutting her eye and breaking her cheekbone.  

Arianna was working 18 hour days, 7 days a week and this event caused her to stop and ask herself, is this what success looks like? 

Who remembers the old cold & flu tv ads? 

It was all about the messaging… to soldier on and keep going no matter what! 

What about the messaging for when it was ‘that time of the month’? 

Again it was to keep going no matter what (aaagh those horse riding ads)! 

Hustle culture hasn’t only been thrown at us in the business environment, it’s been a full 360 across all areas of our life. 

And it’s time for change. 

Think about it, even professional athletes know that in order to attain optimal levels of performance, they need to schedule quality rest and recovery into their training schedule. 

This downtime gives the body the chance to repair and grow stronger. 

A healthy (and successful) approach to work and building your business is the same. 

Learning how to do less and be more is more than just a popular catch-phrase (it’s a great book by Susan Pearse and Martina Sheehan!). 

It’s a must for you to create long term, sustainable results. 

In the recent Big Small Business Survey ‘exhausted’ is the word business owners repeatedly use when describing their mood and well-being. 

58% of small businesses surveyed have experienced a mental health challenge in the last 2 years (again according to the Big Small Business Survey).

I know I know! 

You want it all, a thriving business, time with your loved ones, money to live stress free and enjoy life. 

And you can have it! But working tirelessly isn’t the way to get it. 

Mary Oliver famously said ‘Tell me what is it you plan to do with your one wild precious life?’

For Arianna, a chain of events set her on a mission to redefine what success could look like. 

She introduced a 3rd measure of success alongside the traditional measures of money and power. It’s a combination of well-being, wisdom, wonder and giving. 

For our clients it’s the True North Wheel – encompassing Business Growth, Managing Money AND prioritising life as equally important as each other. 

When I think about Thriving in business and in life, I think about redefining traditional measures of success and breaking cycles to allow you (and your business) to thrive without the burnout.

My question to you is, do you prioritise life as much as you do other ‘traditional’ forms of success?

Where you spend your time and the goals you’re going after hold the clues to what your definition of success is. 

For example, are you only focusing on linear, number based, masculine goals such as revenue targets or do you also have more flow, feeling, feminine goals such as how you want to feel, what you do with your time?

I invite you to take a look at these clues and bring critical thinking to what success means to you. Don’t be passive with this, ask yourself… 

Is my definition of success serving me well? 

Is it well rounded covering both masculine and feminine aspects of business and life? 

Does it need to change like Ariannas did?

Nicky is a Sales and Business Leadership Coach with over 2 decades experience in sales and leadership. She’s been running successful coaching businesses since 2015 and is obsessed with helping business owners and teams thrive. She helps her clients install smart business growth strategies and leverage leadership for peak performance.

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