Is Conventional Time Management Letting You Down? Try This Fresh Approach!

Is Conventional Time Management Letting You Down? Try This Fresh Approach!

Can we just take a moment to appreciate how time seems to fly by so quickly? It’s like we blink, and another day, week, or month has passed. 

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I catch myself thinking, “If only I had more time, I could… [fill in the blank with aaaaall the things I wish I had time to get to]!” 

Let me tell you a little secret I’ve discovered on my journey since experiencing burnout in 2012. 

It’s not about finding more time; it’s about how we’re viewing (and appreciating) the time we already have. 

Now, don’t get me wrong; I love a good time management tool as much as the next gal! 

I mean, who hasn’t Googled something to the effect of “how can I manage my time more effectively”!? 

Well actually, I’ve  googled this exact phrase over the last 2 years as a little experiment. And the number of search results that have come back has increased by over 2 billion! Yep, in November 2021 there were only 514M results compared to 2.7 billion search results just last week. 

It’s insane how many resources are out there when it comes to tips, tricks and frameworks to help manage your time! Overwhelm much? 

And guess what? Despite all those tools available at our fingertips, business owners are still feeling overwhelmed and stuck on Juggle Street.

What’s the missing piece to this time management puzzle? 

The way we view time and the choices we make about where we spend our time can truly make or break our productivity. 

Think about it – we all have the same 24 hours in a day. So why are some people total rockstars at this and others suck? 

Well, it comes down to the choices they make around their time, and owning these choices, that sets them apart.

A part of the problem is falling into the trap of letting everyone else demand a piece of you, always being available to solve every problem. Sound familiar? 

But here’s the thing – it’s not about being everything to everyone; it’s about being intentional with your time and setting boundaries.

If you notice you’re saying, “I have to…” or “I must…” you’re giving away your power and neglecting yourself. 

And you’re probably not facing the truth that you are choosing where you spend your time.

Here’s where the magic happens. 

When you shift your language, mindset and realise that you do have a choice, a whole new world of possibilities opens up. 

Sure, there might be things you want to say yes to, but sometimes, you have to say no or not right now to create space for what truly matters the most to you. 

Read this line again 👆👆👆

I know it’s not always easy to make this shift, especially when life gets busy and you feel a sense of responsibility to those around you. Not to mention when FOMO gets in the way. 

Gimme the practical steps I can take?

  • Start by reflecting on your language, are you noticing the words or the feelings of “I must” or “I have to”. It’s a feeling as though you don’t have a choice and are being forced into where you’re spending your time. 
  • Notice any “yeah but, but, but” statements coming up as you do this?
  • If you resonate with the above points, it’s time to own your choices and embrace the discomfort that comes with it. Remember, you’re not alone – many of us face this struggle. Have a listen to the part 1 podcast ep we recorded on this listed below, it will help!
  • Practice makes progress. Why not choose one boundary you can set for yourself around getting a little time back for yourself, maybe for some self-care. Start small, even start micro if you have to! 
  • All of this will help you drop the “I have to” and embrace the “I choose to” attitude. 

As busy business women, we wear many hats, but let’s not forget to wear the self-care hat too. 

It might take some practice, but you’ll find that when you’re intentional with your time and make room for what truly matters, you’ll be amazed at how much you can achieve without feeling overwhelmed.

Here’s two podcast eps we recorded that will help you do just this:

Part 1: The truth is, you don’t need another time management tool!

Listen on Apple

Listen on Spotify

Part 2: Feel like time is slipping away? Discover where your time is really going.

Listen on Apple

Listen on Spotify 

You’ve got this, and we’re here cheering you on every step of the way. Keep slaying, superstar!

With an instinctive curiosity for human behaviour, over 20 years of experience in sales and leadership, Nicky and Ness are obsessed with helping women in business break the cycles that hold them back from creating profitable businesses they love, without sacrificing time or life. 

Each having run their own successful coaching businesses for 7 years, they came together to start Business Together working with female led, service-based businesses with teams.

Their clients have often experienced rapid growth not being able to keep up with the systems, structures, and team growth. As a result the business owner gets stuck in the busy trap, they’re juggling all the balls in business and find themselves in a place of business chaos. 

If this sounds like you, book a complimentary chat with Nicky and Ness to see if they can help you find time freedom again, get peak performance within the team and have a focus on smart growth in the business.

Supercharge Your Business!

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What does smart growth really mean?

What does smart growth really mean?

Let’s talk about something that’s near and dear to my heart: smart growth. Now, I know it might not sound like the sexiest topic, but trust me, it’s a game-changer. 

In this crazy modern world, we often find ourselves stuck in the busy trap, juggling a million things and feeling like we’re building a plane while flying it. 

Sound familiar?

Fear not! Today, I want to empower you to refocus, reclaim your time freedom, and stop juggling all those balls. 

It’s time to experience peak performance, both for yourself and your team, and leverage the power of smart growth in your business.

So, what exactly does smart growth mean?

Well, imagine a little triangle in front of you. At its foundation lies having a solid business strategy and plan. This is where it all begins. 

You can have the best plan in the world, but without action and a bigger vision and purpose driving it, it’s all for naught. 

Now, let’s get real for a moment. 

Chaos often creeps in when systems and structures fail to keep up with rapid business growth. 

As business owners, we become everything to everyone, losing sight of the big picture. But I promise, you can overcome this chaos.

First and foremost, you need to step back and reconnect with your vision and make sure this is a part of your business strategy. 

It’s not just about your business vision, you also need to get clear on your personal vision. 

Ask yourself… 

  • What impact do I want to make in the world? 
  • What legacy do I want to leave? 

Reconnecting to your passion is crucial to weathering the storms and staying motivated.

Once you have that vision locked in, it’s time to dive into the nitty-gritty of planning out your strategy. Break it down into manageable chunks—90-day periods work great. 

Set clear goals and define the actions that will bring you closer to those goals. Create a roadmap for success, and remember to regularly review and adjust your plan as needed.

TOP TIP: Don’t forget the power of the weekly “five to thrive.” This is where you identify the top five actions that will propel your business forward each week. It keeps you focused, accountable, and on track.

Smart growth is about more than just planning though. It’s also about connecting the dots between sales and profit. Remember that triangle in front of you? 

All three elements fit into the triangle – the plan as well as a focus on sales, and profit. All three must work together harmoniously for long term, sustainable success.

Even if it feels impossible, now is the time to embrace smart growth and bid farewell to chaos. 

Take a step back, reconnect with your vision, and create a strategic plan that will guide you toward your goals. Incorporate a separate focus on sales (including targets and how you’ll achieve it) and profit (including targets and how you’ll achieve it). Ps. if you want a hand with this, our ‘Create a 6 Month Business Plan in 60 minutes workshop might be just what you need.

Break it down into manageable chunks, and take action every step of the way.

Remember, your business is meant to thrive, not just survive. And with smart growth as your secret weapon, you’ll be unstoppable. 

It’s time to reclaim your time, your sanity, and your success. If you’re feeling inspired and ready to take action, let’s make it happen! 

Download our Smart Growth Checklist here and unlock the power of smart growth in your business. It’s time to transform chaos into clarity and take your success to new heights.

With an instinctive curiosity for human behaviour, over 20 years of experience in sales and leadership, Nicky and Ness are obsessed with helping women in business break the cycles that hold them back from creating profitable businesses they love, without sacrificing time or life. 

Each having run their own successful coaching businesses for 7 years, they came together to start Business Together working with female led, service-based businesses with teams.

Their clients have often experienced rapid growth not being able to keep up with the systems, structures, and team growth. As a result the business owner gets stuck in the busy trap, they’re juggling all the balls in business and find themselves in a place of business chaos. 

If this sounds like you, book a complimentary chat with Nicky and Ness to see if they can help you find time freedom again, get peak performance within the team and have a focus on smart growth in the business.

Supercharge Your Business!

Join us to receive expert podcast episodes and tips on how to achieve the work-life balance you've been craving while still watching your business grow.

Learn 5 ways to practice the art of doing nothing

Learn 5 ways to practice the art of doing nothing

It’s time to learn the art of doing nothing! 

Let me share some eye-opening statistics with you. Research shows that productivity plummets when we’re burnt out or overwhelmed. And yet according to a survey by Tork® 40 percent (39%) of people say they only occasionally, rarely or never take breaks during the workday. 

In fact, nearly a quarter (22%) of people feel guilty or judged when they step away from work midday. 

This is despite the fact that 94% of team members acknowledge they’re happier when they’re able to take a break. So, let’s stop glorifying busyness and start embracing the power of rest and rejuvenation.

As professional athletes know all too well, rest and recovery are crucial for peak performance.

They understand that pushing themselves to the brink of exhaustion leads to burnout and diminished results. 

So why do we, as business owners, neglect this vital aspect of our lives? It’s time to change that. Here’s five ways to get you started…

  1. First and foremost, set clear non-negotiable boundaries. Ask yourself, “If I say yes to this, what am I saying no to?” 

It’s essential to prioritise your well-being and not spread yourself too thin. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

  1. Next, pay attention to your language. The words you use shape your reality. If you’re constantly telling yourself you’re “busy,” guess what? You’ll perpetuate that busy cycle. 

Banish the B-word from your vocabulary and focus on creating space for what truly matters. 

  1. Creating idle time is key. Plan ahead and incorporate micro-moments of joy and breathing room into your day. It could be as simple as a 60-second meditation, practising box breathing, or feeling the earth beneath your bare feet. 

These micro-moments give you a pause from the chaos and allow you to recharge.

  1. Don’t forget the power of nature. Spending time outdoors reconnects you with yourself and the world around you. Did you know that in Australia, being in nature is proven to have significant benefits for health and well-being? 

So, find nature wherever you are. Take a walk, visit a park, or even go camping. Embrace the healing energy of the natural world.

  1. And finally, it’s time to introduce the concept of “putting the jug down.” Picture this: you’re juggling multiple tasks, trying to do it all at once, and inevitably, something slips through your fingers. Sound familiar? If you want to know more about the concept of putting the jug down, check out this podcast episode.

It’s time to let go of multitasking and focus on one mindful thing at a time. Release the overwhelm and give yourself permission to be present.

These are just the highlights, my friend. For a deeper dive into these transformative practices, I invite you to listen to the podcast episode where Ness and I discuss them in more detail. Trust me; it’s a game-changer.

Listen on: Spotify | Apple

Now is the time to reclaim your time, your energy, and your sanity. Embrace the art of doing nothing and watch your business thrive. 

Book a clarity call here and let’s embark on this empowering journey together. 

You deserve time freedom, peak performance, and smart growth. It’s time to make it happen.

Remember, you are capable of so much more than you know. Keep believing in yourself and never underestimate the power of self-care.

To listen to the full podcast episode and learn more, click here

Nicky is a Sales and Business Leadership Coach with over 2 decades experience in sales and leadership. She’s been running successful coaching businesses since 2015 and is obsessed with helping business owners and teams thrive. She helps her clients install smart business growth strategies and leverage leadership for peak performance.

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The key to being productive when you’re super busy is not to do more

The key to being productive when you’re super busy is not to do more

I know the feeling of being caught up in the chaos, where your to-do list seems never-ending and your business feels like a whirlwind of activity. 

It’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose sight of what truly matters. 

But here’s a secret: the key to being productive when you’re super busy is not to do more.

In fact, doing more will only leave you feeling even more chaotic. 

Instead, it’s time to shift your focus to who you’re ‘being.’ 

Who you’re being refers to the qualities, mindset, and energy that you embody in your actions and interactions. 

It encompasses your attitude, beliefs, values, and how you show up in the world. 

It’s about the essence of your being and the way you carry yourself in your personal and professional life. 

By focusing on who you’re being, you can align your actions with your goals, cultivate a positive mindset, and bring your authentic self to every situation.


The Perfect Mix of Doing and Being:

Let’s see where you sit on the scheme of things. 

Which of these four areas do you relate to the most?

  1. Stuck: You feel paralysed and overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things to do. You’re unsure of where to start, and the busyness around you is suffocating.
  2. Ineffective: You’re applying various strategies like focusing on work-life balance, mindfulness, and setting boundaries, but you still find yourself not being effective in the business. Your to-do list keeps piling up, and you struggle to take action.
  3. Whirlwind: You’re constantly in motion, taking massive action, but you can’t shake off the feeling that you’re not making any progress. Your days are filled with rush and hustle, leaving no room for downtime or quiet reflection.
  4. Momentum: You have found your flow, striking a balance between action and being. You have downtime, you handle challenges with ease, and your daily tasks are purposeful, bringing you closer to your goals.


Unveiling the Clues to Unlocking Peak Performance: 

To transition from being stuck, ineffective, or trapped in a whirlwind to achieving momentum, you need to examine three critical areas:

  • Energy:

Taking care of yourself is essential. Are you getting enough sleep? Hydrating properly? Moving your body regularly? Prioritising active recovery? Remember, to be at your best, you need to nurture your physical well-being.

  • Emotions and Mindset:

Your emotions and mindset play a crucial role in your productivity. Injecting joy and fun into your work mix can enhance your performance and that of your team. Identify the patterns and beliefs that might be holding you back, and turn them around to propel you forward.

  • Prioritisation and Outcomes:

Tools like having a 90-day business strategy and weekly five-to-thrive can help you prioritise effectively. By focusing on meaningful outcomes and taking action with purpose, you can stay on course toward your goals.


Harnessing the Power of Being and Doing: 

When you bring together the elements of who you’re being and what you’re doing, magic happens. 

You unlock the potential for peak performance and empower your team to excel. 

Being mindful of who you are being and combining it with purposeful action creates a harmonious environment where success thrives.

Nicky is a Sales and Business Leadership Coach with over 2 decades experience in sales and leadership. She’s been running successful coaching businesses since 2015 and is obsessed with helping business owners and teams thrive. She helps her clients install smart business growth strategies and leverage leadership for peak performance.

Supercharge Your Business!

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3 ways to make sure your business doesn’t suck the life out of you

3 ways to make sure your business doesn’t suck the life out of you

As women in business, we have big dreams and ambitions – whether it’s to scale the business, inspire our people or simply achieve better work-life balance. 

But, according to a 2021 Women’s Agenda Report, 39% of women are worried that burnout will hinder their progress, not just due to the post-pandemic environment but I would also suggest the long-standing hustle culture we’re accustomed to.  

Additionally, 47% of these women lack confidence in their abilities, which may prevent them from achieving their ambitions in the next two years.   

These concerns can be significant obstacles that hold women business owners back from reaching their full potential. 

It’s no wonder that so many of us feel like we’re stuck in the busy trap, constantly juggling our responsibilities and struggling to find time for ourselves.  

This self-doubt can lead us to take on too much, always feeling like we have something to prove and afraid to say no for fear of being judged. 

But the truth is, there is a way out of this cycle. By taking a balanced approach and getting clear on what we want our ideal business and ideal day to look like, we can start to make real changes and live up to our full potential. 

To do this, we need to focus on three key things:

  1. Focus on business growth on your own terms: Don’t fall into the trap of trying to keep up with others. Stay true to yourself and your values, and grow your business in a way that aligns with your goals and vision.
  2. Managing your money in the business and having a plan to build wealth outside of it: financial stability is key to achieving the life you want. Make sure you’re not just focused on the day-to-day operations of your business, but also planning for your long-term financial goals.
  3. Prioritise life every day, every week, and every month: As women, we often put ourselves last, especially when it comes to our busy lives as business owners. But self-care, joy, and personal fulfilment are essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. So, make sure you’re not only focusing on your responsibilities (in and out of the business) but also incorporating activities that bring you joy and happiness.

There’s a great saying by Brazilian lyricist and novelist Paulo Coelho, “If it costs you your peace, it’s too expensive.” 

Don’t let your business drain the life out of you. It’s time to take control, find the confidence to take the steps towards change, and prioritise what’s truly important. 

If you need help achieving these goals, do our (free) mini Business Health Check here. You can start to create a roadmap to success that aligns with your vision and empowers you to reach your full potential in just a few minutes.

Nicky is a Sales and Business Leadership Coach with over 2 decades experience in sales and leadership. She’s been running successful coaching businesses since 2015 and is obsessed with helping business owners and teams thrive. She helps her clients install smart business growth strategies and leverage leadership for peak performance.

Supercharge Your Business!

Join us to receive expert podcast episodes and tips on how to achieve the work-life balance you've been craving while still watching your business grow.