Do you remember when you made the decision to start your own business?

I do, it was freakin scary but I just knew I needed to take the leap.

Not only had I found something I loved doing (coaching), I was really good at it and I wanted to work with anyone and everyone who needed help.

But just like you, the more years in business, the more challenges we face and that initial excitement wanes.

There are pockets of time when we wobble, feel lost and wonder if we have the energy to keep going.

Funnily enough, the more success we have in business, the more pressure we put on ourselves to keep it up.

It might look something like this…

Externally – it looks like we’re smashing it, a growing team and a growing reputation

Internally we realise that success in business is solely reliant on us being hands-on

Externally – we’re skilled at our craft and our clients rave about us

Internallyit feels chaotic and the performance of our team is inconsistent

There are just so many moving parts and we’re in the thick of it so we can’t see what we need to fix. 

All we know is, if nothing changes then perhaps it’s time to close up shop.

But wait!

Don’t give up – there is a solution…

It’s about removing the emotion and taking a snapshot of where things are at right now so you can make clearer decisions.

Uncover your strengths and your opportunities, understand what’s holding you back, and discover your blind spots.

Then make a plan to move out of chaos and back to clarity.

The model that Nicky and I use when we help businesses with this is COMPASS

C… Culture

the big picture – vision, purpose, values, goals, expectations, rewards

O… Operating rhythm

business structure, planning, key performance indicators, processes

M… Mindset

responsibility, ownership, transparency, self-reflection, excellence

P… Profitability

accounts, expenses, price reviews, money mindset, A-level clients

A… Action with Purpose

standards, client feedback, boundaries, test & measure, work-life balance

S… Sales

revenue targets, upselling, sales activity, sales skills, onboarding

S… Skills

feedback, coaching and development

And the process we use is the Business Health Check.

If you need help, click here to have a chat and see if it’s time to readjust your compass. 

Meet Nicky & Ness

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