It’s not hard to love Spring (as I’m sure you’ll agree, especially if you’ve seen Ness’ recent social media post about all the reasons to love Spring).
And just like the seasons of Mother Nature, our businesses also experience seasons and cycles.
Winter months of hibernation and cave time.
Autumn shedding of what no longer serves us.
Spring blossoming and the smell of promise in the air.
Summer of fun, laughter and lightness (or overheating depending on where you live… I’m looking at you QLD).
Some of these cycles happen in our businesses daily, sometimes weekly, monthly and they definitely happen over each quarter.
Fortunately, we have a some control (and a fair bit of influence) over the seasons in our business without having to rely on the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Hot tip: Our B2 Virtual Strategy Day helps with this.
The current environment of lockdowns and travel restrictions have created some interesting impacts to our business seasons and cycles.
We’re all somewhat Zoom experts these days, and there’s a thing called ‘Zoom Fatigue’ – have you heard of it?
I recently ran a full day online training session and I had someone say to me afterwards that it was the ‘best training they’ve ever been to’.
Ummmm hang on. What. But it was on Zoom?*
*Okay, it was Google Hangouts but you get the jist.
My point is, there’s a lot of people waiting to ‘get back in the room’ or for things to ‘get better’ or ‘back to normal’ (d’oh what’s normal again?).
The truth of the matter is regardless of what’s going on in the world around us, our business world doesn’t stop turning.
We simply must show up for our business but do it in a way that we enjoy and that fulfils our core need for connection.
We’ve listened to the challenges women in business are facing, we see what’s missing when trying to create a business you love without sacrificing time or life, we know what it’s like to have a million balls in the air and feel like we’re ‘failing’ at them all.
Because of this, we’ve been able to create the B2 Virtual Strategy Day specifically for you.
Here’s a couple of reasons why we know you’ll love it:
- Regardless where you live, it’s not impacted by travel or lockdown restrictions (yay!). In fact, it’ll give you a boost of energy to deal with… well life.
- We’ve literally created the entire format around the gaps and needs of business women like you.
- It’ll be loads of fun and you won’t have Zoom Fatigue (we promise).
- We’ve made it super cost-effective (seriously we’ve cut the investment down by half) and are making sure you’re covered for 3 months.
Our next B2 Virtual Strategy Day is on the 22nd September.
We’ve put everything you need to know here so you can check it out in more detail, at your leisure, to see if it’s for you.